Refugee Chic

Dear BK, it’s me, Miss Tippy! Your roving style correspondent and fashion editor of Be Gay Magazine. Long time, right? Well guys, gals and gays, I’ve been oh so busy na ka! In case the rain left you stranded in your condo—because wellies are so fugly and this damp plays havoc with hair—let me inform you that we’re in the middle of Fashion Week frenzy. LERD! So much champers, so much air kissing, so many bad DJs, so many wardrobe changes, my heels are killing me.

city living
Issue Date: 
2010 Oct 21 - 23:00

Isaac Newton Meets Carl Cox

If I could travel back in time, I’d like to have a pint with Isaac Newton. It would surely be quite a sight. We’d chat and make a toast to our (actually just my) unforeseeable future. I’d spill my beer (and he wouldn’t, because he was cool like that) and then he’d remind me that, “For every action is an equal and opposite reaction.” And if the great man was around today, I’m sure he’d have just as much to say about the other weekend.I saved myself and was well rested for a night with Carl Cox.

Issue Date: 
2010 Oct 18 - 23:00

If I could travel back in time, I’d like to have a pint with Isaac Newton. It would surely be quite a sight.

Spinning out of control

Film must have been really upset over Pinky and Thunya’s alleged sex scandal. “There I was promoting my new plans to go inter through the whole fake-baby thing. And now those bitches come along and steal my thunder,” we could almost hear him say. “My album isn’t even out yet. It’s just not professional!”There’s just no control over spin these days.

city living
Issue Date: 
2010 Oct 14 - 23:00

You Do The Maths

Given our diminutive size (Singapore – the nation that’s proud to be a Size Zero), we can hardly be expected to compete in the world export market. Yet it turns out certain ideas of ours are more popular overseas than you might think. A story in the New York Times reports that Singapore Maths remains remarkably popular as a teaching method in US schools—even though early editions of the textbooks had to be reprinted with the references to curry puffs and rambutans taken out. True story.Still, we can’t help thinking that we’re not tapping our true potential.

city living
Issue Date: 
2010 Oct 7 - 23:00

Given our diminutive size (Singapore – the nation that’s proud to be a Size Zero), we can hardly be expected to compete in the world export market. Yet it turns out certain ideas of ours are more popular overseas than you might think. A story in the New York Times reports that Singapore Maths remains remarkably popular as a teaching method in US schools—even though early editions of the textbooks had to be reprinted with the references to curry puffs and rambutans taken out. True story.

Jing rue Mai?

Welcome to Jing rue Mai, our great new game that’s fun for all the family. It’s simple. To play all you have to do is read the following four stories and guess which ones are evil lies spread by The Economist and which ones are credible reports from the local press.A. Red Shirt terror gangs are enduring intensive training at high-end resorts.While honest citizens are queuing for hours just to eat donuts, Red Shirt terror goons have been living it up in luxury resorts in Chiang Mai.

city living
Issue Date: 
2010 Oct 7 - 23:00

The Official F1 Debrief

Phew! This might well be the only working week of the year that we wish was even longer. Anything to give our bodies more time to recover after last weekend’s excess. But weekends are like buses. You wait forever for them to come along, then two come along in quick succession. Also because when they do, you find yourself either short of money or else heading down a road that you know isn’t right.So the F1 circus has been and gone for another year (leaving behind enough spilt champagne to fill your average rooftop infinity pool), leaving us to ponder what we learnt this time around.

city living
Issue Date: 
2010 Sep 30 - 23:00

The word “Official” has lost all meaning. Official lounge. Official giveaway. Official timekeeper. Sure, Singapore likes bureaucracy as much as the next country, but enough with the officialdom, people.

Justice Now for Migrant Shoppers

Hey peeps,It’s Pancake, your favorite inter student. OMLG. Has this been the crappiest week or WHAT? I mean, like someone was living it up at the Waldorf in New York while the rest of us are stuck here in the heat and rain eating crummy Waldorf salad at Dean & Deluca. Get my drift, Mr. PM? I was so pissed about getting stuck in a cab for two hours, I forgot my effin’ iPhone 4 on the backseat. Of course, when I called, it was totally turned off. This kind of stuff makes me really freak out about the income gap like big time.

city living
Issue Date: 
2010 Sep 30 - 23:00

Welcome to Sixapore

Welcome to Sixapore, the little nation that dreams big. Six Olympic medals by 2016. Six medals to add to the two we’re going to win in London, and the two we’ve won in the past 45 years. Good thing our shooters are among our brightest hopes, as that’s one hell of a target.As the most glamorous of sports descends on the city once more, it’s time to cut through all the hot air (if only there were medals for dealing with hot air; we’d clean up!) and determine exactly which disciplines we ought to be focusing on.

city living
Issue Date: 
2010 Sep 23 - 23:00

Welcome to Sixapore, the little nation that dreams big. Six Olympic medals by 2016. Six medals to add to the two we’re going to win in London, and the two we’ve won in the past 45 years.

The clocks are striking thirteen

The year is 2014, the month is September. Last weekend, there was no march to mark the 2006 military coup. It’s been illegal for more than three people to gather for as long as we can remember. Plus, the army’s new anti-riot guns that simultaneously fire tear gas and play the national anthem at ear-splitting levels have proved pretty effective at discouraging would-be offenders. They’re also darn expensive, but what the heck, the military budget has doubled since 2010, just like it did between 2006 and 2010. Anyway, Dr.

city living
Issue Date: 
2010 Sep 23 - 23:00


Who doesn’t like a good euphemism? That trusty method of talking around a subject instead of about it. Not having to worry about saying what you mean, ’cause everyone knows what you really mean anyway.We’ve been wallowing waist-deep in euphemism this week, having spent an unhealthy amount of time reading the job ads in the newspaper. (Don’t worry, we’re not going anywhere.

city living
Issue Date: 
2010 Sep 16 - 23:00

Who doesn’t like a good euphemism? That trusty method of talking around a subject instead of about it. Not having to worry about saying what you mean, ’cause everyone knows what you really mean anyway.