Issue Date: 
Oct 7 2010 - 11:00pm
city living

Welcome to Jing rue Mai, our great new game that’s fun for all the family. It’s simple. To play all you have to do is read the following four stories and guess which ones are evil lies spread by The Economist and which ones are credible reports from the local press.A. Red Shirt terror gangs are enduring intensive training at high-end resorts.While honest citizens are queuing for hours just to eat donuts, Red Shirt terror goons have been living it up in luxury resorts in Chiang Mai. By learning how to tell a Bordeaux from Beaujolais, and which knife to use for the fish course, the group planned to infiltrate hi-so PAD gatherings and make snide comments about people’s hairstyles. They all got busted when a trainee fled the camp looking for some somtam and sticky rice. “I couldn’t take it anymore,” he cried, when found by the village headman.B. Thaksin has obtained a passport for Gliese 581 G.Thaksin has turned his back on Montenegro in favor of recently discovered Gliese 581 G. Scientists have stated that there’s a good chance the planet can sustain high-end shopping based on its natural ressources, which include Oi, Kh and SFs (oil, Khmer temples and shark-fin soup.) Upon hearing the good news, Square Face promptly embarked on the 20-year-journey. He should back in time for Thailand’s next parliamentary elections unless the Foreign Ministry can sign an extradition treaty with Gliese 581 G before then.C. The new Liverpool boss has been employed by yellow shirt leaders. Taxi drivers love Liverpool. Liverpool wears red. Taxi drivers love Thaksin. Thaksin is Red. Lately, Liverpool has been winning about as often as Paradorn (who had the decency to finally retire last week—about time). Can you connect the dots? The guard at our condo did, and he’s pretty sure new manager Roy Hodgson is actually a paid lackey for the PAD deliberately masterminding Liverpool’s defeats to discredit the color red. He was right about Film not being gay after all, so we’re pretty sure he’s a valid source.OK, let’s look at how well you did... A: Jing. B: Jing. C: Jing. That’s right, they’re all true. All these stories floated around on Facebook, Twitter, the government’s news agency or at least crossed our minds at one point, in a dream. Thanks for playing.