Submitted by nchan on Thu, 2011-06-30 23:00The “perennial debate” over whether maids should or should not be guaranteed at least one rest day a week has apparently been “reignited,” with the Ministry of Manpower indicating that it will be consulting employers, agencies and non-governmental organizations on the issue. But in the pantheon of unnecessary reignitions, surely this is up there with Guy Fawkes asking the guys stoking his bonfire if they wouldn’t mind giving it another go as it’s getting a bit chilly atop the pyre.Really, Singapore?
Really, Singapore? We’re worried that employers might struggle to make their own dinner if their maid goes AWOL for the day? God forbid an NSman having to carry his own pack. Or a maid meeting someone she likes in her down-time. (Speaking of God, even He took a day off at the end of the week. There might be a lesson there.)