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Director Anders Banke (John Howe: There and Back Again) tries to squeeze in too many things into this strange but delightful vampire flick: A historical legend in war-torn Sweden, a modern day Americanized teen flick with a tinge of Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, and awful CGI effects. But this, The Naked Gun of horror films, has enough dark humor to distract the audience from its haphazard filmmaking. It is corny, funny, dense and even a little frightening at times.

Opening Date: 
Thu, 2006-08-31
Running Time: 
Komathi Sellathurai
Traveler-comedian Ian Wright was recently in Singapore to launch Discovery Travel and Living’s brand new series VIP Weekends with Ian Wright. Packing only his eccentric personality, this globe trekker is the epitome of the good old fashioned backpacker. We’ve seen him cruise through rough terrains, pull out all his clothes and jump into numerous lakes and seas, but can he survive sitting pretty and sipping champagne while brushing shoulders with high society? Despite the fame, this self-confessed Ordinary Joe represents the everyday man. With a backpack full of a wicked humor and undying passion, Wright lives life to the fullest without even trying.

What did you want to be when you grew up?
No idea, as I had no ambition. (Laughs).

What is your biggest achievement?
To be a husband.

How do you spend your Sunday mornings?
Car boot sales! It is a market where you fill your boot with junk and sell it. After which I enjoy a huge Sunday roast.

What is your idea of hell?

A lads’ holiday. Or a holiday with 40 other people around you.

What is your guilty pleasure?
I have nooooo guilty pleasure. Well, shopping, drinks and cigars. But no, I’m just kidding, no guilty pleasure.

How do you recharge?
Play football, do yoga. There’s nothing in your head but the ball. It is a phenomenal workout. You’re just brain dead for a while.

What’s playing in your Ipod/MP3/CD player?
I don’t have any of those. I still play tapes. James Brown, Jimi Hendrix, Led Zeppelin and some house-funk. And everyone has to have a ‘70s disco compilation.

What are you reading now?
I am reading this book, it’s like a diary, a true story about a war pilot. This boy, he is only 17, my son’s age. It’s just phenomenal.

What do you collect?
Old bicycles. I am obsessed with them. I look at them like men look at women. You put them together, tandems and all. You do shows with them, sell them. I have a collection.

Where would you like to live?
England. I love and adore England. I go away a lot, so it is nice to be back.

What inspires you?
Honesty. Real people. Selflessness. Doing things without a motive.

What personal trait do you appreciate the most in others?
When people do the right thing simply because it is the right thing to do.

Which living person do you admire most and would like to invite for dinner?
People around the corner. The woman next door. The single mother next door raising her kids on her own. Those at the bottom of the pile. They are the real heroes with real courage. They are bold as brass about adversity.

What about you that scares others?
Ordinariness. People always expect more when they meet me but are usually disappointed.

If you had to play a character in a movie, which movie and which character?
A lead zombie. With the whole makeup and all, with my eyes hanging out.

Do you feel like a celebrity?
Not when I’m home.


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Dr. Peter Chew is an obstetrician and gynecologist with Gleneagles Medical Center. Besides being a trained physician, he conducts sex education talks in schools. At a time when Singapore is mocked for its low sex drive, I-S speaks to the sexual healer himself.

What made you decide to be a sex doctor?
I’m not a sex doctor. I am just interested in the topic of sexuality. I am a gynecologist working with women who have difficulty conceiving.

What ‘special’ training do you have to undergo to become one?
I do my own research, attend courses, and talk to psychologists, to parents.

How do you get your patients to relax when discussing something so private?
Singaporeans are still very shy. You have to probe and prompt them. The younger generation is more open though.

Do you think Singaporean couples are having enough sex?
My answer is no. It is a problem in any urbanized society. Both parties work, they are too tired when they get home. The only time they get is during the weekends. And if they have children, they take up all their time.

What are the main sexual hang-ups facing Singaporean couples today?
There are two groups. The first are couples trying to conceive. Sex is like a task to them, like two robots making love. The second group is of women nearing menopause. When the women keep saying “not tonight”, their husbands become frustrated. This is where all these China girls come in and marital life suffers.

Which of the sexes is more bashful about voicing their sexual preferences?
It’s different for both. Men want physical sex while women need emotional connection and communication. Men have only one button while women have many buttons, push the wrong one and it is a landmine. Women need the touching, kissing and hugging to enjoy sex.

Do aphrodisiacs and romantic mood lightings really make a difference?
It’s all about workings of the mind. The brain is the sexiest organ. Aphrodisiacs all work the senses. Which is why they use aromatherapy, visuals and music—it’s all about the mind.

What is the most rewarding part of your job?
When couple’s relationship improves and they have children; when you deliver their baby. They become friends. You are not dealing with old age or cancer, but with life.

Would you consider yourself as an expert at sex?
I don’t want to boast. I’m interested in the topic, I am serious about it. The physical side is only part of it. It is sexuality, not just sex.

How do men and women respond when you tell them what your job is?
This guy actually told me that ‘my playfield’ is everybody’s dream. To me it is just very practical. Some doctors examine your ears or nose. It’s just different holes.


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What’s in (and not) over the past decade.

The unpredictability of the ever-changing fashion scene has been constantly spurting out new trends. Whether it was a pair of ’80s punk-inspired tapered pants (that cut off all blood circulation to your upper body) or an oversized pink Baby-G you still fondly wear to sleep, fashion items made you feel like a superstar at some point. Here are some of the more interesting fads we picked out from the last 10 years—fashion faux pas or otherwise.

1995: Affordable “Brands”?

To eliminate that question, designers craftily splashed their names all over their products, making them rather pricey. Those who could afford them were promoted to the “in” crowd while the rest compensated by cheating. A slew of stores like Factory Outlet, Labels for Less and Esprit allowed for the masses to own designer labels minus the designer prices. Cool? We think not.

1996: Designer Fever

The billboard-sized brand label took over and sneakily infiltrated the minds of even the most fashionable. To wear one was a sign of status and those who couldn’t afford them the year before, saved up enough to be seen in the latest Guess, DKNY, Armani Exchange and Moschino tees. Fortunately, the obsession died down when pasar malams (night markets) started flaunting the latest branded collection.

1997: Gee, Baby

These enormous wrist buddies transformed even non-watch wearers. While the masculine G-Shocks were perfect for the macho men, pretty Baby-Gs came in a wide range of delicious colors that girls and women went gaga over. Casio created quite a cult following that still boasts a faithful bunch of groupies even today.

1998: Color Me Khaki

Snug and roomy, khaki pants graced every closet as the comfort item. Khaki specialists, Dockers, hooked the slightly uppity market while brands like Giordano satiated the khaki craze without burning a hole in the pocket. That, of course, would not be a problem if you were a fan of the (then) new breed of multi-pocketed khaki (cargo) pants. Remember those? We try not to.

1999: The Heat Is On

What was in this year? Oh yeah, bold prints married with loud colors worn two sizes too big. In the spirit of Aloha, Hawaiian shirts fashioned the beachwear culture. Surf brands like Quiksilver, Billabong and Roxy catered to surfer wannabes, while Oakley, Mambo and Tannlines complemented the beach fashion. The otherwise acceptable style fad only became distasteful when forced into unlikely scenarios: in clubs and on old uncles with thick gold bracelets. Yikes!

2000: The Future’s So Bright, You’ve Gotta Wear Shades

The new millennium brought new opportunities and challenges. To stay and look cool under pressure, getting framed was one of the answers. UV protection aside, these face accessories exuded stylish aloofness. From Audrey Hepburn to Nicole Kidman, sunglasses were a fashion statement that screamed wanting to be seen without being seen—geddit?

2001: These Sneakers Are Made For Walking

Sneakers were no longer functional apparel for the working class. With endorsements from celebrity brands like Miu Miu and Gucci, walking away from sneaker fashion was a huge mistake. Even if your heavy duty walking routine involved just 15 minutes in town, you had to be sure of being spotted in snazzy ranges from the likes of Diesel, Adidas, DKNY and Converse—to name just a few.

2002: Flipping Over Flops

Fondly known as slippers to non-fashionistas, flip-flops follow in the comfort item turned trendsetter clique. Slipping into a comfy yet trendy pair of soles from Havaianas, Toss, Mambo, Camper (we used to love those Twins series) and Song+Kelly was soooooooo in. While these light as feather footwear remain a trend today, 2002’s other trend, camo-inspired clothes, was not hot enough to last till now.

2003: Denim Lovin’

Levi’s super low jeans, anyone? Engineered to form a perfect mould for the lower half, super low jeans made every female feel sizzlingly sexy. The everyday essential for men also allowed for various cuts to suit their individual styles. Hot favorites included Diesel, Tsubi and Evisu. But this sizzle did fizzle when women distastefully let their denim ride too low, exposing eyesore butt cracks. Ouch!

2004: To a Tee

Casual tees with audacious messages became the easiest form of self-expression. Local and export cult brands such as MHI, PAM, Tsubi, A Bathing Ape, Tonite and Silas rendered these expensive graphic t-shirts a high fashion force to be reckoned with. Not to be outdone, affordable tees with cheeky slogans flew off the shelves from Singapore’s favorite street apparel havens, The Heeren and Far East Plaza.

2005: Put a Cap on it

When Pharrell and Justin Timberlake burst onto the MTV screens with their slick moves and trucker caps as their crowning glory, history was made. From Ashton Kutcher to Colin Farrell, fashion had reached its peak with hip trucker caps that spelled bad boy like no other. But we’re now at 2006? Trucker caps? Nah.


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