As a Travel Benefits Marketing Manager at American Express (Thai), Surachai Meephien knows a thing or two. Here, the seasoned traveller shares with us his favourite moments and travel tips.

What inspires you to travel?
One of the reasons that inspires me to visit a certain destination is its history. I like to go to historical places like Petra in Jordan, Angkor Wat in Siem Reap, the Great Wall in Beijing, Colosseum in Rome. It’s truly amazing how the human beings managed to build those things in the ancient times.

What are some of your favorite destinations?
European countries like France or Italy. They have a great combination of art, culture, food and shopping! I love visiting art museums or just walking around the city to see the architecture.

Favorite travel tips?
Stay in a hotel with a unique character. Don’t be afraid to try local dishes, and, if you have a chance, mingle with the locals. Sometimes they can give you great tips!

What do you miss about Bangkok while you are away?
Spicy Thai dishes like tom yum or som tum and grilled chicken. They’re always my go-to meal once I’ve touched down.

What aspect of traveling do you find the most difficult to do?
Language barrier.

What can’t you leave home without?
Cash, credit cards and my smart phone.

What has been your most memorable holiday?
My short trip to Singapore with my mom. It was great because we both enjoyed our trip together.

What is the best restaurant, café, bar that you have visited while traveling?
I can’t remember the name of this restaurant. We drove up on the mountain near Rome, and it’s just a small eatery with chic décor. The highlight was definitely the exotic views of the city.

What are the top holiday destinations that you are yet to visit?
I would love to visit Santorini, Mykonos and Machu Picchu in Peru. I hope that will happen soon!

Who is your favorite traveling companion?
My camera and, of course, my smart phone. It helps me stay in touch with others everywhere I visit.

What is your ideal holiday?
Anywhere with a good place to stay, a good place to eat and open-minded travel companions who are up for good times.


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We sit down with the host of Long Krung, a TV series following the adventures of a Canadian expat in and around Bangkok.

What inspires you to travel?
Curiosity in the unknown, and the magical feeling I get when I find something new and undiscovered!

What are some of your favourite destinations?
Northeastern Thailand for sure - as well as quiet corners of Chiang Rai and Nan. I also love Vietnam and Laos, as well as northern England.

What are your travel essentials?
A laptop and my Canon camera - as well as a good pair of jogging shoes. You can learn and see a lot in a new destination by going for a run through it.

Favourite travel tips?
Bring multiple plastic bags to easily organize clothes - and keep wet things separate. Also I always try to get into the local music scene of wherever I'm going. It becomes the soundtrack of the adventure.

What do you miss about Bangkok while you are away?
The international scene and of course the amazing street food!

What aspect of traveling do you find the most difficult to do?
Packing and unpacking. I hate it and it never gets easier!

How do you maintain health and fitness when you are away?
First thing I do in any new city is survey my surroundings with a long jog. This also helps me get oriented. Also I try to find hotels with a good fitness room, and if not i try to include something active in my sight-seeing, like hiking or cycling.

What can’t you leave home without?
An iPhone!

What is your most treasured possession you have picked up while traveling?
Oddly I don't keep many. Just great memories which maintain far more value.

What has been your most memorable holiday?
I was 18 years old and backpacked around Europe--mostly solo. The location was amazing of course, but stepping into a different world so young was an adventure in itself.

What is the best restaurant, café, bar that you have visited while traveling?
The old TeePee Bar in groovy Chiang Khong, Chiang Rai.

What are the top holiday destinations that you are yet to visit?
Bali, Bhutan and Myanmar.

Who is your favourite traveling companion?
The duo of my sister and brother-in-law. We have the most fantastic fun traveling together!

What is your ideal holiday?
Lots of activity and fitness mixed with spectacular sights. Actually Smiling Albino's active trips in Chiang Rai and the motorcycle trips in Isaan are the perfect mix of adventure and comfort.


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When not busy learning Thai and teaching yoga, Bangkok-based American photographer Luke Cassidy-Dorion is out and about around Thailand hosting the backpacker-themed TV series Papaya Pok Pok. Here, he tells us what travel means to him.

What inspires you to travel?
Learning, learning, learning.

What are some of your favorite destinations?
I'm a big fan of the mountains, green places, places with trees. Stuff that appeals to the hippy hidden under all this hair dye and fancy Adidas.

What are your travel essentials?
Cameras (usually a couple), shoes (usually a couple), a yoga mat if I have room, clothes that I like, underwear (hmmm, this can be tricky, sometimes when I'm low on space, I bring enough for every other day and then turn them inside out ... don't tell anyone though).

What do you miss about Bangkok while you are away?
Ohh tons of stuff, movies, art, air-conditioning, my shoes, my boyfriend if I'm filming the TV show, food ... but whatever, that's all waiting for me when I get back. The cool thing about traveling is that home generally stays the same, it's there waiting to welcome us with open arms when we get back.

How do you maintain health and fitness when you are away?
I make a point to practice yoga when I travel, however I rarely can do a full 90 minutes. Usually I'm squeezing in 15 minutes on whatever surface I can clear away. Food-wise, I'm lucky that vegetarian food is generally easy to find in Thailand, however I often find myself quite bored with eating the same mixed stir-fry vegetables over and over again.

What is your most treasured possession you have picked up while traveling?
I rarely shop when I travel ... unless it's to foreign countries, then I try to get books on language. Even if I'm not going to really dig into the language, I like to learn 30-40 words while I'm visiting. Plus, I love to read grammar books when I'm hanging out around the house ....


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