Week of May 11, 2007

TAURUS (Apr 20-May 20): The outsourcing of fortune telling is well underway. Psychics and astrologers from India have been showering me with email invitations to take advantage of their services. “By the grace of the towering flames of goodness that burn the roof of our temple,” said one, “we have pledged to slave away our lives to cause the happy encroachment of bubbling karma on your masterful head.

city living
Rob Brezsny
Issue Date: 
2007 May 10 - 23:00

Week of May 4, 2007

TAURUS (Apr 20-May 20): The outsourcing of fortune telling is well underway. Psychics and astrologers from India have been showering me with email invitations to take advantage of their services. “By the grace of the towering flames of goodness that burn the roof of our temple,” said one, “we have pledged to slave away our lives to cause the happy encroachment of bubbling karma on your masterful head.

city living
Rob Brezsny
Issue Date: 
2007 May 3 - 23:00

Pongthep’s Final Exam

Special lecturer at Thammasat University Pongthep Thepkanjana, deputy leader of the Thai Rak Thai Party, was recently criticized for including the following question on a final exam: “If you were a judge and you were invited by coup makers to work for them for a salary more than you receive now, will you accept the work or not and why?”In his defense, the chairman of the university’s council of lecturers insisted that Pongthep was within his rights as a lecturer to include ethical and political questions on the test.

city living
Issue Date: 
2007 May 3 - 23:00

Divide and Conquer

What can we buy with $2 million?• One million plates of chicken rice to feed a whole province in Kenya.• Two million cheap paintbrushes for our starving local artists.• Ten thousand tickets to see Sir Ian McKellan on stage.• One thousand glistening gold taps to beautify our public toilets.• One million packs of peanuts to feed the monkeys.• Five George W.

city living
Issue Date: 
2007 May 3 - 23:00

The Future Is Now

Following a series of unfortunate the events that have been plaguing Singapore and the world recently—the Virginia Tech shootings, the Sungei Pandan drowning, and another Ah Lian winning Miss Singapore Universe—we decided to consult our crystal ball for some updates on future disasters, and perhaps take some action steps to avoid them. Here’s what we’re told:• The government’s attempt to become hip reaches its logical conclusion.

city living
Issue Date: 
2007 Apr 26 - 23:00

World Press Freedom Day

In 1993, the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed May 3 World Press Freedom Day. On this day we pay tribute to the men and women around the world who risk life, limb and liver to bring us the news along with the latest updates on Britney’s rehab.Here at BK Magazine, we’re marking the occasion with a memorial service for former comrades followed by canapés and then a naked midnight swim.

city living
Issue Date: 
2007 Apr 26 - 23:00

Week of April 20, 2007

TAURUS (Apr 20-May 20): It appears you’re cooperating (sort of) with an authority figure who’s using the carrot-and-stick routine on you. I suppose that could lead you at least part of the way to the promised land—especially if you really believe you can’t motivate yourself without the authority’s prodding. But if you plan to continue in this vein, Taurus, can I please convince you to ask for the biggest, freshest carrot and a beautifully decorated stick?

city living
Rob Brezsny
Issue Date: 
2007 Apr 19 - 23:00

April News Quiz

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, it is time once again to test your knowledge of current events with this month’s news quiz, which is guaranteed to be especially—but not gratuitously (never!)—sexy.Why did the Thai Rak Thai Party move its headquarters?a. An astrologer told them to.b. Lower operating costs for the new building.c. Tired of having to nag the cleaners about dirty bathrooms.d. The new location is sexier.Which of the following proposals was submitted to the cabinet?a. Ban on using mobile phones while driving.b. Random blocking of websites.c. Pornography for pandas.d.

city living
Issue Date: 
2007 Apr 19 - 23:00
How much do you know about trans fat? Try this quiz and know thy enemy.

Every few months, a new buzzword pops up on the consciousness of a few health freaks and before you know it, it soon becomes a national or worldwide obsession.

The latest example of this phenomenon is trans fat. These two words have been cropping up everywhere—in fast food restaurants, bakery shops, as well as newspapers and magazines, making us increasingly paranoid about every bite of hawker or junk food we take. So what is trans fat? Beef up your trans fat knowledge with this quiz. Answers are at the bottom of the page.

Define the enemy

1) Basics first, all you health freaks. What is trans fat?
A) A type of unsaturated fat
B) A type of fat that is transferable from person to person
C) A type of fat that is transient and lasts for a short time in certain foods
D) A fat found in transatlantic foods
E) Fat that is in transit in your body

Know what the enemy stands for

2) Which of these terms is the true, unabbreviated name of the cunning guy called trans fat?
A) Transferrable fat
B) Transient fat
C) Transfigured fat
D) Trans fatty acids
E) Transformable fat

A fat by any other name would still be as fat

3) Trans fat also enjoys one of these monikers (or aliases) in its spare time.
A) Hydrogenated fat
B) Man-made or processed fat
C) Trans fatty acids
D) Unsaturated fat
E) All of the above

The origin of evil

4) C’mon—trans fat didn’t climb down from a tree and into your food. Where yonder does it come from?
A) When way too many preservatives are added to certain factory processes
B) When fat is boiled beyond a certain temperature
C) When manufacturers add hydrogen to vegetable oil
D) When food is over processed during commercial food preparation
E) When food is processed to a point when its natural state changes and trans fat is formed

How the enemy attacks

5) How does trans fat slowly, and ever-so-stealthily wreak serious damage on your health?
A) It’s easily transferred to your body very quickly, yet stays in your system for a long time
B) It raises your cholesterol level and also depletes good cholesterol, giving you a higher risk of heart disease
C) It cannot be easily digested, making you overweight (duh)
D) It slows down your metabolic rate and gives you heartburn and indigestion
E) It coats your intestines with an indelible layer of fat (now that’s gross!)

Where the enemy crouches and hides

6) Which of the following contains more than just a sprinkling of trans fat?
A) Milk and body fat of cows and sheep
B) Cookies and crackers
C) Doughnuts and pastries
D) Margarine
E) All of the above

The fast way to fat

7) A question for fast food foodies—which of these fast foods is loaded with the highest level of trans fat?
A) Salad
B) Coffee
C) Orange juice
D) Hotcakes
E) French fries

How the enemy hits

8) Which of these statements do you think is a worthy summation of trans fat?
A) It clogs up your arteries and increases the risk of a heart attack or a stroke
B) It causes intestinary problems
C) It weakens your immune system
D) It gives you a higher chance of contracting gastricitis
E) It causes a host of digestive problems

Ways to hide from the enemy

9) Time for solutions—how do you avoid the hideous abomination called trans fat?
A) Eating more fruits, vegetables, beans and chicken
B) Buying more crackers, canned biscuits and cookies instead of doughnuts and muffins
C) Cooking less often at home
D) Chowing down at fast food restaurants
E) Buying more processed food from supermarkets

The dwelling places of the enemy

10) Here we go again—which of these foods does trans fat love hanging around in (yes, trust us—it’s that insidious)?
A) Fruits and vegetables
B) Soups with an oily base
C) Bread
D) Microwave popcorn
E) Ice cream

Why the enemy exists

11) Why do you think manufacturers bother adding trans fat to products?
A) It improves the taste of the food and extends its shelf life
B) It’s a preservative thingy for modern times
C) It is a natural occurrence during the industrial production of processed foods
D) There is no real reason—trans fat exists naturally in many forms. The whole debate is just overemphasized
E) It makes the food less perishable

Action against the enemy

12) In Dec 2006, one city in the States became the first in the country to ban trans fat at all its restaurants. Which city was it?
A) Wisconsin
B) Minnesota
C) California
D) New York
E) Georgia



If you scored:

0-3 You have absolutely no idea about what trans fat is—not even if it loomed up and hit you on the head. A hospital stay might be close at hand.
4-6 You vaguely grasp the concept of trans fat, but loads of it is probably lurking in your system now.
7-9 Not bad. You are quite savvy about the specifics of this sordid fat... but there’s room for improvement.
10-12 Excellent! You can start waging a nationwide campaign against TF, Joan of Arc-style.


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Pay Up

Singapore ministers will be getting a hefty pay rise as part of a controversial ministerial salary hike that has infuriated many. MM Lee, who stands to earn at least $3 million with the hike, said in its defense that Singapore needs “an extraordinary government with extraordinary government officers to support it.” In coming up with the ministerial and civil service pay rise, the government created a wage formula where a higher percentage of pay is now linked to performance.

city living
Issue Date: 
2007 Apr 12 - 23:00