What does it really take to craft cocktails like a pro? I-S investigates.

It’s hard not to be seduced by the impressive showmanship, grace and care that go into making a fine tipple. Speaking of which, an exemplary bar in our book, Klee, closed its doors last week. We’ve been told they’re merely on the hunt for bigger and better digs, so let’s all hope they find them soon. As we mourn the (hopefully temporary) loss of one of our faves, we welcome the latest spot for drinks, Néktar. This promising newbie, just over a week old, has quickly established itself as a hidden gem. But we digress. What with Christmas and New Year just around the corner, we reckon this festive season is the perfect time to be hosting some cocktail parties. And you simply can’t do that without at least a few tricks up your sleeve, to complement the others you’ve undoubtedly perfected. We assembled an expert panel of local and visiting mixologists and convinced them to share some trade secrets so that, from now on, you can step behind the bar with confidence.

Our panel of experts

The Gear
Any self-respecting mixologist will tell you pretty much the same thing: You’ve got to have a good set of tools if you want to make a halfway decent drink. To get you started, the first thing you need is a cocktail shaker. “This comes in a variety of shapes, sizes and designs. One that is very versatile would be the Boston shaker set, comprising of two parts: The Boston mixing glass and the shaker tin. This allows you to make almost all types of cocktails,” advises Sim. She goes on, “With that, you would need a Hawthorn strainer, which fits into the shaker tin, to separate the ice from the cocktail after you are done shaking.” There’s also a three part shaker, which is a tad easier to use if you’re a novice.

Another essential is a measuring jigger (either double or single), “Pharmaceutical ones are neat as they have more options than the standard 15/30ml,” quips Bax. Other items include a long handled bar spoon, muddler, knife and chopping board. Some non-essentials, but also good to have, are appropriate glasses (cocktail, tall, lowball or highball), citrus press, hand-press juicer and squeeze bottles. So we’ve told you what to buy, now all you need to do is pick them up. Sim swears by the wonders of online shopping to stock her bag of tricks, but if you can’t wait, Bax, who usually sources his equipment from Japan, Germany and USA, recommends popping by Sia Huat (9 Temple St., 6223-1732) for some nifty gadgetry. Merkel suggests a WMF bar set (from $199) at Robinsons (#05-05, The Centrepoint 176 Orchard Rd., 6733-0888), which is functional and looks impressive.

Read about cocktails myths, debunked

The Booze
This is where it gets really fun, for us anyway. Truth is, when you have five mixologists and dare to ask them about their favored alcohol, the list becomes a long one very quickly. We streamlined it as best we could, so this is not an exhaustive one by any means. “Use good quality alcohol as a start. I find vodka provides a manageable hangover the next day,” reveals Merkel. After years of binge drinking, we can certainly attest to that fact.

The Other Ingredients
Merkel feels that “the quality of your ingredients is a big factor. Fresh is always best. Fruits, juices, even ice.” Our panel favors citrus fruits such as limes, lemons and oranges, and who are we to argue.

Do what Leong does and go to different markets or organic stores (Four Seasons Organic Market, #B2-06/07 Great World City, 1 Kim Seng Promenade, 6836-1855, has a particularly good selection). “With all the great fruit in Singapore, you’d be nuts not to make lots of muddled fresh drinks at home or for your parties,” says Bax. Look at fresh herbs such as basil, rosemary, thyme, mint and juniper berries and fruits that are in season. “Fresh fruits and juices are better than syrups and liqueurs. Try seedless purple grapes, the darker the better. The exception is when the flavors in question are mild, then you need to boost and enhance those flavors,” adds Leong. Don’t be afraid to play around with herbs and even spices such as cloves, cinnamon, cardamom or black pepper.

Another important factor in successful cocktail making is sugar. “Sugar is key. It’s important because it does a couple of things. It helps to deliver flavor, heighten things. It can also integrate different components in a cocktail. But often you need to be restrained about that as different cultures and people have different sensitivities to sweetness,” says Marchant.

Although many people overlook ice as an underrated ingredient, ice is vital. “Make sure your ice is cold and neutral. Ice is porous, so it absorbs the smells and flavors of what it’s surrounded by. Buy bags of ice instead of trying to make it at home, especially for a big party. The more ice you have, the colder it stays. After all, ice keeps ice cold,” says Merkel.

Learn how to make cocktails from the pros

The Process
You don’t need us to tell you how important the process really is, and that’s also the consensus with our panel. “If you ask any bartender, the one thing they’ll keep coming back to is balance, balance and balance,” asserts Marchant. Sim is inclined to agree, “Get the proportions right. The key to good taste is balance, and that goes hand in hand with proper measurements and quantities.” Marchant suggests a great way to perfecting technique and get experience is to “Practice with a shaker and ice. Just get used to the sound. It’s what you’re listening to. You’ll hear when the ice cubes start to break down. Try not to over shake, you don’t want it to get too watery as it will dilute the drink.” He expounds further, “It’s all about levels of dilution and air. When you’re stirring you don’t introduce any air into the drink, when you shake, the introduction of air changes the texture and helps to incorporate separate elements.” If in doubt, a basic rule to follow is if it’s just mostly spirits and liquers, just stir; while if juices are involved, you’re probably better of shaking.

While the thought of making cocktails at home can seem daunting, particularly if you’re throwing a party for a large group, don’t be intimidated. “Just plan ahead and make sure you have everything you need. Preparation and organization is vital. Then just go ahead and do it, be a little out of your comfort zone,” advises Merkel. “You have to balance the different elements of sweet, sour and creamy to get the right touch. Everyone’s tastebuds are different, the most important thing is you enjoy it.

Ask yourself if you’d drink it, if not, don’t serve it. It’s all about how you play around with the recipe,” adds Leong. While mixing is also about pushing boundaries and experimenting with different flavor combinations, some warn against going overboard. To punctuate his point, Bax quotes Mies van der Rohe: Less is (often) more. “I think a good rule is to make sure you can taste each component of the drink, if you can’t taste it, then don’t add it.” Marchant stands firm, “I would strongly advise you to just have fun and be creative. It’s not like it’s heart surgery, nobody’s going to die if you get it wrong.” We couldn’t agree more.

Find out where our experts (and we) head to for cocktails

Tricks from the Pros
We wouldn’t let our panel go, however, without first demanding that they share some of their most hard-won knowledge. The kind of insight that could make us really pass for a pro. Here’s what they had to say:

  • Shake your sours and other drinks that contain egg white first without ice, then add ice and shake again, you will get a much better foamy head and consistency. Matthew Bax
  • Match the temperature of your drink to the glass you’re about to serve it in. If it’s going to be a cold one, chill the glass in the fridge or throw some ice cubes in a glass and chuck them out before straining the drink into it. If your drink’s hot, warm the glass a little. Jamey Merkel
  • When making martini style cocktails, be sure to keep everything chilled. Keep your spirits in the fridge, and always keep vermouth in there as well (don’t forget it’s wine-based). Spike Marchant
  • Always taste with a straw as you go. Even bartenders are adjusting all the time, as should you. Ethan Leong

The Next Step
Follow our panel’s advice and you’ll be a better cocktail maker than ever before. But you (and we) will still have a long way to go, and to get there our experts recommend really immersing yourself in the culture. And what better way than with a good book (you remember those, don’t you)?

Two of the best to get you going are Dale DeGroff’s The Craft of the Cocktail ($56) and The Joy of Mixology by Gary Regan ($54.95). They cover all the basics with tools, techniques and recipes. Our go to would be the former, an impressively comprehensive guide with 500 recipes alone (try mixing, and drinking, your way through them all!). As an alternative, Merkel feels strongly that “The web is an amazing resource. Get on YouTube, they’ve got some good demos.”

You can order The Craft of the Cocktail from Books Kinokuniya (#03-09/10/15 Ngee Ann City, 391 Orchard Rd., 6737-5021) and The Joy of Mixology from Borders (#01-00 Wheelock Place, 501 Orchard Rd., 6235-7146). Both books are also available at Amazon.com. We reckon they’d make good Christmas gifts (no one needs to know that you’re getting them for yourself). Now get out there and start shaking things up! 


Myths debunked

  • Does the order in which you add the ingredients really matter? It’s just an old, ergonomic rule of thumb to start with the less expensive products first, just in case you mess up the drink. The one caveat that it really does matter when layering a cocktail, or building one, such as a mojito.
  • How about techniques such as stirring versus shaking? The stirring of a martini is a traditional bartender’s ritual, and it has long been viewed as the more elegant, old-fashioned way of serving a martini. Really, it depends on the drink but stirring requires much more skill (according to recent scientific studies).
  • Pouring Champagne down a bar spoon doesn’t help to save the fizz.
  • Shaking a martini doesn’t bruise gin.
  • Putting in water and ice doesn't chill a glass faster than just plain ice.
  • Not all martinis are created equal. Classic Martinis are a duo of gin and vermouth, while a combination of gin, vermouth and vodka, James Bond’s Vesper Martini, is a vodka martini. These days, anything that’s served in a cocktail glass, aka martini glass, is loosely named a martini. [TOP]

Our Expert's Picks

  • Coffee Bar K, #01-076 UE Square, 205 River Valley Rd., 6720-5040.
  • Cut, Galleria Level, B/1 The Shoppes at Marina Bay Sands, 2 Bayfront Ave., 6688-8517.
  • martini bar @ mezza9, Mezzanine Level, Grand Hyatt Singapore, 10 Scotts Rd., 6738-1234.
  • Orgo, Roof terrace 4/F Esplanade––Theatres on The Bay, 1 Esplanade Drive, 6336-9366.

Our Personal Haunts

  • Bar Stories, 2/F, 57A Haji Lane, 6298-0838.
  • Néktar, Annex Bldg., 31 Scotts Rd., 6836-9185.
  • ta.ke, 2/F Studio M Hotel, 3 Nanson Rd., 6808-8888.
  • Tippling Club, 8D Dempsey Rd., 6475-2217 [TOP]



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The Final Note by Aubrey Sim

What you need:

  • 1 whole soft, green pear
  • 3 thin slices of ginger (2cm x 1cm)
  • 15ml simple syrup (1 part sugar to 1 part water)
  • 15ml fresh lemon juice
  • 45ml Ketel One Citron vodka


  • Muddle (crush) the ginger and pear in a mixing glass.
  • Then pour in the rest of the ingredients.
  • Shake well and fine strain into a cocktail glass.


Latin Threesome by Matthew Bax

(created at Melbourne’s award winning Der Raum bar)

What you need:

  • 25ml Sagatiba Cachaca
  • 25ml Zacapa 23 year rum
  • 25ml Barsol Pisco
  • Three pieces of fresh pineapple
  • Three lime wedges (quartered)
  • Two bar spoons of dark muscovado sugar (to taste)


  • Use a large old fashioned glass, muddle fruit and sugar.
  • Half fill glass with crushed ice, stir.
  • Pour in spirits and stir carefully until mixed.
  • Top with more crushed ice and garnish with pineapple spears.


Rosemary Tales by Ethan Leong

What you need:

  • One stalk of rosemary
  • 10ml vodka
  • 30ml lemon juice
  • 30ml gin
  • 30 ml simple syrup
  • Handful of ice


  • Removes leaves from bottom half of rosemary stalk, then chop roughly and put into an old fashioned glass.
  • Shower the stalk and leaves with vodka and set aside.
  • Fill a shaker with ice, then pour over lemon juice, gin and simple syrup, shake.
  • Ignite the rosemary leaves, then quickly strain and pour over the concoction in the shaker.
  • Top up with ice.


Spicy Illusion by Jamey Merkel

What you need:

  • 30ml Russian Standard vodka
  • 15ml Midori
  • 15ml lime juice
  • 30ml pineapple juice
  • Handful of ice
  • Dash spice tincture (see recipe below)

Spice tincture

  • 10 cardamom pods
  • 2 tsp cloves
  • 3 cinnamon sticks
  • 1 tsp coarse black pepper
  • 300ml vodka
  • Allow spices to macerate in vodka for three days to a week; be sure to check on it daily. Filter and bottle, then store in a cool, dry place or in the refrigerator.

Shake everything up with ice, strain and serve in a martini glass.


Yerba Alta by Spike Marchant

What you need:

  • Orange zest
  • Mint leaves (to taste)
  • 15ml spiced syrup
  • 15ml lemon juice
  • 40ml freshly brewed, cooled tea (such as English Breakfast or Earl Grey)
  • 50ml Ron Zacapa rum
  • Handful of ice

Spiced syrup

  • Cane sugar
  • Cloves
  • Allspice
  • Boil spices in 2 parts cane sugar to 1 part water till sugar has dissolved, allow to cool. Then store in the fridge.


  • Shake well and strain into a cocktail glass.
  • Garnish with mint leaves.


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Next NEXT's PhenOmena; The Face Hunter comes to A Curious Teepee


I had the opportunity to witness probably one of the worst catwalk shows this year at the PhenOmena fashion showcase in Millenia Walk two weeks ago. Fine, the clothes themselves, by newbie local brands like The Knights’ Ride, WanderWonder, Shito and Twenty2Seven, among many others, were actually tolerable (although none were truly interesting), but it was the heat that truly got to me.

Terry Ong
Issue Date: 
2010 Dec 9 - 23:00

I had the opportunity to witness probably one of the worst catwalk shows this year at the PhenOmena fashion showcase in Millenia Walk two weeks ago.

New Openings: Cut, PS. Café at Ash Park, Caffé B & Skinny Pizza


There's no doubt that these are booming times for foodies here, with a slew of notable openings on the dining front, and what is shaping up to be a very busy season for us. We checked out the newish PS. Café at Ash Park (45 Ann Siang Rd., 9797-0648). It’s similar to their other outlets—­western classics and those famous truffle fries—though this one is housed in an especially charming old colonial building. Definitely worth a visit.

Jalean Wong
Issue Date: 
2010 Dec 9 - 23:00

There's no doubt that these are booming times for foodies here, with a slew of notable openings on the dining front, and what is shaping up to be a very busy season for us.


Tourist History (Remixed)

Rating 4/5
Two Door Cinema Club / Kitsune
Every band seems to be putting out a remixed offering of their successful original releases. It either spells trouble in their wallets or they’re taking back what’s rightfully theirs, especially with so many unofficial bootlegs running around. Tourist History (Remixed) tackles the latter. With exclusive and hard-to-find remixes by the likes of Jupiter, French Horn Rebellion, original tracks are given a gorgeous twist while staying true to the esoteric essence that makes Two Door Cinema Club a joy to listen to.

We Were So Turned On—A Tribute to David Bowie

Rating 4/5
Various Artists / Love Da Records
Features covers of David Bowie’s seminal classics by some of the most talented and established artists around. Duran Duran, Megapuss, Warpaint, Exitmusic, We Have Band, Lewis & Clarke, Papercranes, Carla Bruni, Viv Albertine and many more have given their services and made this something truly special. Hear it to believe it. Profits from the tribute album aim to help benefit the War Child Charity.

Kitsune Maison 10

Rating 5/5
Various Artists / Love Da Records
Ministry of Sound Annuals are to electronic dance what Kitsune Maison is to cutting-edge music. In its 10th series, the compilation packs 25 artists into a double CD offering. The defining Kitsune sound can be best heard here with endorsement from the likes of Yelle, Digitalism, Two Door Cinema Club, Hot Chip, The Heatbreakers and Black Strobe (just to name a few). Your hipster friends are bound to bob their heads approvingly.


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Held as part of the 6th International Butoh Festival (Dec 1-31), Mind/Body/Time is a movement-based workshop aiming to cultivate presence and character. Set for Dec 11, from 1:30-4:30pm, at Gaia by HOPS (32 Sukhumvit Soi 23, 086-986-6639. www.gaiabyhops.com), the workshop is led by Japanese/American butoh master Michael Sakamoto. It costs B300 to enroll. Besides the workshop, there are also butoh performances and a photo exhibition. For further details, contact 080-773-6607 or email [email protected].


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Worried the beaches will be too crowded this winter? They will be. Can’t stand the countryside and don’t want to be the only one stuck in Bangkok this holiday season? Head to one of these cities and experience a slower pace of life.

Supanniga Home

Khon Kaen
Supanniga is actually fairly close to Khon Kaen’s bustling night market, but you’d never know. The garden, which has been lovingly tended to by the family’s matriarch, is a stunning maze of mango orchards, pebble alleys, rock sculptures and tall trees, overrun by climbing vines. The three villas go from cozy and Asian to modern and minimal, and if you want to head for the great outdoors, Khon Kaen is surrounded by national parks, reservoirs and even a few Khmer ruins (see 24 hours in Khon Kaen below).
Trippin’: A breakfast of kai krata—an egg fried with minced pork and little bread rolls stuffed with Chinese sausage, in the garde.
Rates start from 4,800 per night. 089-944-4880, www.supannigahome.com

Pressed for time? Here are some fun things to do if you only have a day to spend in Suan Phueng, Samui and Khon Kaen

The Hen (NEW)

Hua Hin, Prachuab Khirikhan
While several new Hua Hin resorts have a King Rama 6-7 architectural style to go with the new vintage trend, The Hen is the real deal. The former beach house belonging to relations of the royal family, has been transformed (by the same family) into a small, six-room boutique hotel right on Hua Hin beachfront. Attentive service and a wide selection of local food close to the hotel are added bonuses.
Trippin’: Le Chapon, its beachfront tea room, is perfect for romantic afternoon tea.
Rates start from B6,990. 032-531-331, www.thehenhuahin.com

Ping Nakara (NEW)

Chiang Mai
A latecomer to the revived Rama 7 trend, Ping Nakara is a faux-vintage hotel in Chiang Mai. A three-story all-white building is home to 19 exquisite rooms decked out as though you’re sleeping in a royal guestroom.
Trippin’: Nakara Spa promises high-class ayurverdic spa treatements created by a holistic expert who also works for the Mandarin Oriental.
Rates are from B4,163. 053-252-999, www.pingnakara.com

De Lanna (NEW)

Chiang Mai

As Chiang Mai’s latest mid-size hotel in the outer quarter, De Lanna is not a super luxurious nor an uber-stylish boutique accommodation. Instead the hotel blends its contemporary Lanna design into the existing neighborhood of old houses and temples. With a location close to the Sunday Walking Street but not actually on the walking street itself, you can be sure of your privacy as well as easy access to the center of town.
Trippin’:The location gives you best of both worlds: shopping streets and a historical temple. The hotel cafe is also a good spot to escape from the busy Sunday walking street and enjoy the view of busy street instead.
Rates start from B2,750. 053-326-278/9, www.delannahotel.com


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Working at a publication messes with your head. It creates a warped sense of time as we’re always working in advance. Take Christmas for instance, it’s still weeks away but us media folk have already attended and partaken in more festive meals than I’d care to count (not that I’m complaining). But thanks to my overly ambitious brother, we went back to our tradition of celebrating thanksgiving at home this year (American, not Canadian). He’s also just turned a year older, so we’ve been visiting restaurants galore. Happy birthday Dam! We hit up Otto Ristorante (#01-02 Red Dot Traffic Building, 28 Maxwell Rd., 6227-6819) to catch their white Alba truffle topped dishes, while the beloved ingredient is still in season. I’m happy to report that the pastas are still as delicious as I remember.

Salt grill by Luke Mangan (55/F ION Orchard, 2 Orchard Turn, 6592-5118) finally threw open its doors last week, with the man himself in attendance. This modern Australian establishment showcases chef Mangan’s signatures including Sydney crab omelet with miso mustard broth ($29), king fish sashimi with ginger shallot dressing ($37) and liquorice parfait ($16).

For those of you who like living a little dangerously, how about eating some potentially lethal tora fugu (tiger blowfish). Takumi Tokyo’s (2/F Marina at Keppel Bay, 2 Keppel Bay Vista, 6271-7414) master chef Nakatsuka will be in town to prepare this delicacy for a special seven-course winter kaiseki menu ($230) on Dec 3-4. Brace yourself for what some believe to be the most toxic of all blowfish, presented as thin-sliced sashimi, charcoal grilled with sweet chestnuts or deep fried with miso paste.

I was lucky enough to attend one of lolla’s secret suppers awhile ago, and it was an amazingly refreshing experience (which is no easy thing for a jaded journo to admit). While the concept of guerilla dining isn’t a new one, it’s certainly still a novelty here. On that occasion, I enjoyed some tandoori foie with pineapple salsa, five-spiced duck with fresh apples and beef rendang ribs. My new found friends and I capped off the evening with a private performance by a local all-female duo and some lemongrass and pandan “moonshine.” Just between us, a little birdy told me that the next one pops up on Dec 4. So try your luck and email [email protected] for a spot. Just go with an open mind and you’re bound to have a ball. But remember folks, tell no one.

One of the dining trends I’ve noticed that seems to really be taking flight with the restaurateurs is Spanish establishments. So it came as no surprise to me when I found out about yet another. Bilbao Restaurant & Gastrobar (#02-12 TripleOne Somerset, 111 Somerset Rd., 9115-1970), slated for a mid-Dec opening, will include a retail store, restaurant and tapas bar.


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Some want luxury, some want local charm—and some want a room that screams, “I was designed by a leading architect.”

Alila Luang Prabang (NEW)

Luang Prabang, Laos
Local It architect Duangrit Bunnag loses the stones and bare cement with this brand new Alila property, his quietest, most meditative yet. One could argue that he did little more than repaint an old colonial-era prison, tile the floors and drop in some well-crafted furniture. But we like to think that this marks a return to elegance in the world of minimal design hotels. With private gardens and pools, the retrofit packs the latest accommodation trends into a deceptively simple design.
Trippin’: The outdoor sandpits to light a little fire in your suite’s private garden during the cool months.
Rates start from US$170 (B5,135). +856-7126-0777, www.alilahotels.com/luangprabang

East Hotel (NEW)

Hong Kong
Enough with the countryside. Let’s head to the skies, kick back in a suspended bubble seat and enjoy dizzying views of Hong Kong harbor. East pitches itself as a business hotel—and is in a very business-focused district—but with a few sexy friends and some bottles of bubbly, we’re pretty sure we could become oblivious to the surrounding suits and have a swinging time in a Harbour Corner room.
Trippin’: The 32/F Sugar “Bar.Deck.Lounge” is a pretty sweet spot to watch the sunset with cocktail in hand.
Rates start from HK$1,250 (B4,865). +852-3968-3968, www.east-hongkong.com

W Retreat Koh Samui (NEW)

Koh Samui, Surat Thani
Speaking of bubble seats and real-life moments lifted straight from a Hed Kandi album cover, W has finally landed in our fair kingdom, starting with Samui (the place by the old Russian embassy, on Sathorn, is still under construction). This waterside property manages to be modern without being boring thanks to its use of bright colors and futuristic shapes.
Trippin’: A submerged sofa in an infinity pool with a panoramic view of the Gulf of Thailand.
Rates start from B19,000. www.whotelkohsamui.com

LIT Bangkok (JAN, 2011)

Pathumwan, Bangkok
We’re longtime fans of architectural firm Vaslab. But the bold showroom they designed for Honda, near the Crystal Design Center, was never opened to the public; so we’ve been left to hunger for a chance to experience their deconstructivist architecture in the flesh. With its detached façade and series of terraces, LIT won’t just be a cool hotel: it’ll be a great new hangout in a part of town that has plenty of art (BACC, Jim Thompson) but not many exciting places to chill.
Trippin’: Bathtubs with views of central Bangkok.
Rates TBA. Behind Bangkok Art and Cultural Center, opposite MBK and Siam Discovery Center.


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Happy Father's Day! We pick four best places for you and your old man to get hammered.

Est. 33

Bldg. E, Crystal Design Center, 1420/1 Praditmanoontham Rd. 02-102-2096. www.est-33.com. Open daily 11am-midnight
It might be owned by Singha, but thanks to the influence of the people behind Minibar this microbrewery happens to be an ultra chic offering of tasty food to go with some interesting, freshly-brewed beers. It also doubles as a mini beer museum (with resident brew master), aiming to impart the company’s history. Sit at the bar, hugging the glass tanks, and watch your beer brew right in front of you. Est. 33 Shandy (B150) and Fire Drop (B180) are the two big sellers.

Pint Beer Park

Park Lane Ekamai, 18 Ekamai Rd., 02-382-0071. Open daily 11am-midnight
With its contemporary décor, Pint Beer Park steers clear of the tackiness of English pub, in favor of the laid-back vibe of most Thai pubs. Their fusion food is decent too, but the highlight lies in the range of more exotic Japanese beers like Sapporo and Yebisu, both usually hard to find in the city.


Penny’s Balcony, Sukhumvit Soi 55 (Soi Thong Lor), 02-392-3513. Open daily 11am-midnight
This venue might be on the small side but House of Beers certainly serves up an impressive range of ales with a special focus on Belgian brews. The cooler weather this time of year means you can grab a Hoegaarden or Leffe and head out to their alfresco patio and watch Thong Lor street life while getting sozzled with Pater.

Beer Gardens

See http://bit.ly/d4FK9L
At the end of the day nothing beats the fun of ogling beer pretties with your dad at a beer garden. Luckily, at this time of the year, there are a host for you to choose from. It’s a great alternative especially if you throw in the live music and a bit of breeze. Really want to impress your old man? Take him up to the Heineken GreenSpace on the United Center’s 47th floor (Silom Rd., BTS Sala Daeng) for some spectacular views.


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