For those not keen on queuing up for the iPhone 5 or soon-to-come iPad Mini, the latest toys from Korean rival Samsung might whet their geeky appetite. Two new gadgets from the Note family have just been unveiled, the first being the Galaxy Note 10.1 (B21,900), a quad core 1.4GHz tablet that runs on Android 4.0, featuring a 10.1” screen, 5MP camera, 16GB build-in memory, full HD 1080p video and a pressure-sensitive S pen. We’re most excited about the multi-screen function, a first for a tablet, which divides the page into two sections allowing you to work simultaneously with two apps. If you’re looking for something smaller, the Galaxy Note II (B22,900) comes with Android 4.1, 5.5” HD Super AMOLED touch screen and 8MP camera. Available at Samsung retailers nationwide.