One of the most exciting events of the year, West Side Story is flying in directly from New York with a full Broadway cast and crew. Leading characters Brian Hissong and Diane Phelan (Tony and Maria, respectively) of the highly popular musical tell us about the production.

How long have you been with this production?
I’ve been with this tour for six months.
Diane: It’s three for me.

Do you enjoy it?
Life is good. I travel a lot as a performer. And this is the show you want to be doing, especially for my type of performing.
Brian: I’ve never been out of the US before now, so it’s a chance to see all these wonderful countries.

Is the show different here from in the US?
As a performer, it’s really the same.

What’s so special about the show?
It’s a classic love story that originated in America, but the whole world adored it.
Brian: The music and the choreography are other things that stand out. The songs are recognizable worldwide and are presented in an incredible way by Donald Chan.

Have you watched the film?
Oh, yeah. Many times.
Diane: We just met the original Bernado, George Chakiris. He came to see us in Nagoya. He was the Oscar-winning performer.

Did he give you any advice?
He just reassured us that what we were doing was high quality. He didn’t try to compare or indicate what we needed to do. He’s very complementary.


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