Avoid unnecessary hassle when purchasing tickets for the concert featuring K-pop acts T-ara, T-Max and Mblaq.

To ensure smooth operations for the Kpop Heal the World concert that's due to happen on June 4 at the Singapore Expo, event organizers TMR Holdings/KPop Asia will be holding a Ticket Launch Party on Apr 19, 4-10pm at *SCAPE Warehouse for Category 1 and 2 tickets. Gatecrash will have eight booths set up at the event to ensure faster processing, along with free Vitamin Water (limited to the first 1,000 ticket holders) and concert merchandise for purchase. It is said that 3,700 tickets will be available for sale at the Ticket Launch Party.

Ticketing Information

Category 1—$178 (Available for sale at the Ticket Launch Party)

Category 2—$228 (Available for sale at the Ticket Launch Party)

Category 3—$118 (Available for sale on www.gatecrash.com.sg from Apr 20)



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