The city's fitness pros weigh in. 

Raymond Reyes, CrossFit coach at Aspire Gym

Raymond’s background in competitive rock climbing led him to his fitness career as a coach.
What advice do you have for people who want to stay healthy and still enjoy a night out?
Fitness goals help to keep you focused and take a balanced approach to your evening. Fun doesn’t have to revolve around alcohol. Make mindful decisions on where to go for dinner and what you eat, keep yourself full by having a glass of water every other alcoholic drink and go for a boogie—dancing can lose you about 350-to-450 calories an hour.
What does alcohol do your body, fitness wise?
Alcohol is a diuretic—it makes your kidneys produce more urine, which is why it can lead to dehydration. Exercising after drinking can make this worse because you sweat, so you need to drink plenty of water. Alcohol also interferes with the way your body makes energy. When you’re metabolizing or breaking down alcohol, the liver can’t produce as much glucose, which means you have low sugar levels, so you’ll lack strength and power and your body will find it even harder to recover from lactic acid build up when you exercise. 
What is the calorie intake for an average drinker on a night out?
It depends what or how much you drink. Some beers are light in calories. A standard small Singha is 130 calories whereas a Singha Light Beer is 97. A small Leo is about 165 calories. Cocktails that include a sugar mix will generally be high in calories
Is it possible to achieve your fitness goals while still going out once a week?
Yes it is, as long as you do things in moderation. I see it on a weekly basis with at least the younger professionals, going to the gym three-to-four times a week but also enjoying a night out with friends. If you have a heavy drinking session once or twice a week, you need to be realistic that your fitness goals will take a bit longer to achieve, if at all. 
How often do you yourself drink?
A couple of beers during the weekend and maybe a beer or two during the week.


Nan Tohchoodee, instructor at Tribe and Beatroot Retreat

Nan has been cycling and practicing Pilates for more than 10 years, first as a bike messenger in Philadelphia throughout college and for the past three years as an indoor cycling, barre and Pilates instructor at Tribe.
What advice do you have for people who want to stay healthy and still enjoy a night out?
Know when to say no. I'm not super strict about drinking, so if I don't have to teach the next day sometimes I’ll let loose and get a little tipsy, but if you know you have commitment the next day, stay disciplined by going home after one drink!
What would you advise someone to drink if they’re trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle?
I would stick to a firm one-to-two drinks policy a night if you don't want to hinder your fitness progress.
What is the calorie intake for an average drinker on a night out?
Let's say a beer is around 150 calories per bottle. So you do the math! And it's not only the calories that matters, there are a lot of carbs (sugar) in beer and other alcoholic drinks.
How often do you yourself drink?
Once or twice a week. Around Christmas and New Year maybe three times a week.
What do you normally drink and why?
Wine, natural wine if possible. For cocktails, a negroni. I don't like anything too sweet.

Aurimas “AJ” Juodka, performance coach at Well With AJ

AJ has a military and engineering background. His multidisciplinary approach to performance and wellness combines his skills as a certified strength and conditioning specialist, a personal trainer and a certified nutrition coach.
What advice do you have for people who want to stay healthy and still enjoy a night out?
I would recommend going for non-sugary drinks that are not mixed with any soft drinks, such as gin with bitters and soda water. I would also recommend not to overconsume.
What does alcohol do your body, fitness wise?
Excessive alcohol consumption trumps post-exercise hormesis, meaning that it negates the positive stress created by a workout. If consumed in excess, it has a pro-oxidant effect and it damages your cells.
What is the calorie intake for an average drinker on a night out?
Usually higher than normal, because it often turns into a meal at 2am—you probably wouldn't do that sober.
Is it possible to achieve your fitness goals while still going out once a week?
I personally used to go out with my friends, have fun and not consume any alcohol because I was training. It's always good to have a designated driver.
How often do you yourself drink?
I drink maybe once or twice a month and it's usually no more than two drinks.
What do you normally drink and why?
I usually drink biodynamic wines, they are hard to come across in Bangkok but it's picking up. In the United States I enjoy low sugar wines such as Fitvine wine and dry farm wines because they’re pure, sustainably-grown and taste amazing.

Jack Thomas, founder and CEO of Base

Jack’s gym was voted Asia's 'Gym of the Year' in 2018. He also hosts the Fitness Business Asia podcast, a weekly show on the fitness industry in the region.
What advice do you have for people who want to stay healthy and still enjoy a night out?
A night out with your friends is fine, the problems start when it's very frequent or you're binging hard. A moderate amount of drink one night a week shouldn't derail things too much.
What would you advise someone to drink if they’re trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle?
I'd recommend red wine, and spirits with soda water, rather than sugary extras such as Coke.
What is the calorie intake for an average drinker on a night out?
It depends, but a typical drink is about 200 calories. Seven or eight drinks could be the same as an extra day's food consumption. Low calorie drinks such as whiskey soda are around 100 calories.
How often do you yourself drink?
My big drinking days are long gone—now that I'm running a business I just value a hangover-free morning too highly! Being 'drunk' just isn't fun for me anymore.


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