Including some modern-day classics born in Thailand.

Tired of watching Youtube videos and refreshing your Twitter feed? One of the better ways to stay sane these days is to play games. Here are some old-school board games and card games—plus some awesome new ones created in Thailand—to keep you entertained when you log off from the chaotic online world. 




Uno is everyone’s best friend. It’s one of the most common and easiest-to-learn games out there. Basically, you just have to get rid of all the cards you have while trying to double others’ cards.

Mattel, Inc. recently unveiled a new Uno design, called Uno Minimalista (B320), created by Brazilian graphic designer Walerson Oliveira. This new style is thinner and more modern than the original. It might be easy on the eyes, but the game play is as entertaining as ever.


The Resistance: Avalon

Forget fantasy flicks. The war between good and evil is right at your fingertips in boardgame form. Avalon divides players into two sides: King Arthur’s knights, representing the forces of good, and the minions of Mordred, the dark lord, who hide themselves among Arthur’s crew. One player is the all-knowing Merlin, who can’t reveal his identity but oversees the gameplay, while the knights go on quests and the minions try to fail them. 

This is a fun game to play with your friends. Each turn usually lasts 30 minutes, but you’ll be surprised by how fast time passes playing the game. Click here to learn more.


Survive: Escape from Atlantis!

In this game, you’ll take a role of an explorer who has to find an escape from the sinking island of Atlantic, which is made of 40 hexagonal tiles. Apart from the escape, you can tease your friends by blocking or stealing their way out. You can also swim or take a boat to the land, but be warned of the sharks, whales and sea serpents. This is one game you should definitely have in your cupboard. Click here to learn more.


You’ll be given picture cards, and using them you will have to give clues that lead others guess the card you have in front of you. If it’s just too easy and everyone can pick it, you will gain zero points. And if it’s too hard and no one can figure it out, you will also get nothing. Be smart. Dixit might look easy, but it’s very tricky. Click here to learn more.



Here’s a list of award-wining board games from the Thailand Boardgame Awards 2019, organized by Thailand Boardgame Show.

WINNER Pizza Master by Perus Saranurak and Wizard of Learning Team

You’re an apprentice, and you have to prove yourself worthy to be a pizza master. In order to do that, you need to master four steps: order, pick up ingredients, bake pizzas and expand your reputation. The winner will be crowned the next pizza master.


NOMINEE Shameless Buffet by Tuang Dheandhanoo

You need to snatch as many dishes as you can before your friends get them. Fortunately for these socially distant times, there’s elbowing not involved in this process, either. Shameless Buffet is a fun and easy game with mouthwatering food illustrations “so real, your tummy will cry.” Buffets for life!


NOMINEE Lotto by Thanakrit Kaewkhajorn and BGN

You’ll need luck and a quick response time to win this game. You’re a lottery hunter who searches for the last two magic digits. Be fast to snatch your perfect numbers and hold onto them tightly. Then hope you took the right ones.


An outbreak of V-Virus has destroyed almost all life on earth. This virus infects the brain and changes human behaviors completely. A group of scientists in a place called No Where’s Town are finding the vaccine. However, there are infected people walking among them in the lab. You’re a scientist who has to protect yourself from the virus and buy time for the others to finish making the vaccine. The fate of humanity lies in your hands.


RECOMMENDED Coconut Empire

This is a parody game of (Thai) politics. You’ll be divided into six leading political figures who fight against one another in an anarchy-riddled country. You’ll need to accumulate assets, invade golden areas, build your troops and negotiate with others. Players can also take over the government house to pass laws to attack their enemies and empower themselves. Coconut Empire will show you how dictators and corruption are made. Realism at its finest.



Zombie in my Pocket

Home alone? No worries. Here’s a board game for single players, designed by Jeremiah Lee. Zombie in my Pocket is a survival game in which you need to finish your quest while trying to protect yourself from a troop of zombies invading your house. Watch out: you’re all alone here! Click here to learn more.



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