For starters, they have similar initials: 50SG, 50SG. Spooky!
SG50 is an all-year celebration, but it wasn't until Fifty Shades of Grey came out this week that we started seeing some startling similarities.
1. They both advocate babymaking.
2. Perfectly sane and functional women are now hashtagging the hell out of the Internet. #SG50 #50SG
3. Both have spawned a slew of unrelated merchandise. SG50 diaper bags, anyone? 50SG pizza?
4. They were millions of dollars in the making—and will recoup their investments through you, dear consumer.
5. Both feature lavish expenditure on gifts, including an Audi A3, a publishing company and 50 pianos.
6. 50SG and SG50 books are bestsellers at Kinokuniya.
7. You want to avoid both, but find yourself inexplicably drawn.
8. People have been talking about them for what seems like years.
9. Both feature copious amounts of paperwork, non-disclosure agreements and contracts.
10. Both have the island divided into cheerleaders and critics.
11. Both will undoubtedly find a way to hijack Valentine’s Day.
12. Famous singers, actors and other celebrities are all powerless against the irresistible gravitational pull of SG50/50SG.
13. Both celebrate a very powerful man.


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