Starting Dec 18, Hof Art Residency Bangkok will be hosting the first Open Reel Rooftop Festival.

The festival will continue till Dec 21, each day with it's own theme of films, video art and documentaries, under themes like "Future," "Food," "Music" and "Machine."

Food and drinks will also be offered at the event, catered by The Artwins. Those who opt to stay late after the screenings are finished can also enjoy the live music performances from CHANUDOM and DJ Electrogent.

Film highlights include the short films of Thailand's Jakrawal Nilthamrong and the Japanese cult classic Tampopo (see the trailer below), supposedly the world's first "ramen Western." For more, see the poster above.

Tickets cost B300. Doors open at 5pm, whereas screenings begin at 7pm. For more information regarding films or the event's schedule, visit

Hof Art Residency Bangkok, Sukhumvit Rd., 02-178-0095, [email protected],



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