The soccer team you stayed up late last night to cheer on won the match; unfortunately, you feel like a loser this morning from lack of proper sleep. Tired, lazy, and lacking in concentration—you are in need of energy, like, NOW, so your Donald Trump-like boss doesn’t fire you. But which one to grab for? This week we perform a taste test of nine of the top energy drinks on the market to help you decide which is the right one for you.
.357 Magnum Plus with Vitamin C (150ml, B10) This drink seems to suit foreigners the best because it has a more mellow style and is good for those who cannot stand super sweetness hitting their tongue. Moreover, it has the most natural smell among all the energy drinks. The typical Thai tongue may find it bitter, though, or perhaps too bland.
Carabao Dang (150ml, B10) Much more likeable than the whisky flavored Carabao, it is less sweet and fragrant than the others. Overall this drink is a bit fruity with an overtone of vitamin goodness. Unfortunately, something about it is a bit off, though.
Carabao XO: Whisky Flavor (150ml, B12) This interesting flavor choice definitely caught our interest, but after taking a single whiff we knew someone had made a terrible mistake. It smells like a whisky or vodka Red Bull left overnight and gone bad. One of us even wondered whether a cockroach might have died in there. Surprisingly, even though the smell is horrible, there is absolutely nothing wrong with its taste. Therefore, if you do not have a nose or can’t smell for some other reason, this one should be fine for you.
Lipovitan-D (100ml, B11.50) This drink really depends on your taste. Half of us had a positive comment about its pleasant flavor, which starts off sour but has a proper, sweet aftertaste and good smell. Unfortunately, the other half of us asked why I gave them cough medicine instead of the energy drink. You might have to try it yourself to see which camp you lie in.
M-150 (150ml, B10) With or without their inescapable product image capaign, M-150 is unacceptably sweet and very artificial tasting. It is like an over-syrupy cha yen (cold Thai-style tea) with fake orange juice flavoring. In general, the taste is not distinctive enough from the others for us to promote it, unless you just want to try to look cool by aligning yourself with their seven-digit advertising campaign.
M-Max (180ml, B15) Despite being the newest entry on the market, M-Max proves itself to be our pick against all others. It is carbonated but pleasant and agreeable when drunk on its own. Drinking M-Max with fruit punch creates a tasty sensensation. It may have a slight chemical smell, but you will surely be satisfied and energized by it.
Shark Cool Bite (250ml, B24) This shark is carbonated like a soft drink and has a light yellow color. The taste is enjoyably sour, but nothing special. We might suggest to the manufacturers to change their name to “Ordinary Fish Bite” instead, which reflects their product more accurately.
Theoplax-L (100ml, B10) Theoplax is like liquid candy with a fruity flavor. It starts off sweet, gets sour in the middle and then has a slightly bitter ending. For partygoers, it surely goes well with vodka, but whether or not it works well as a morning-coffee replacement is debatable.
White Shark (150ml, B10) It is an appealing mix of sweet yet sour taste, though it lacks some of the smootheness of its competitors. Overall, most of our tasters thought it was average and didn’t have enough character of its own.