Because they are ready for you

You’ve seen them, you’ve talked about them, and if you’re “lucky” (or thirsty) enough, you might have even tried them. Known simply as RTD (Ready To Drink), these bright, neon colored brews are all over the place. Most of us can safely say that our personal alcohol consumption consists of a mixture of carbonated drinks and a type of liquor, most notably whisky—so why turn to RTDs? Maybe you’re not ready for the hard stuff, maybe you like the lower alcohol content, or maybe because you want to try the vast new selection of flavors—we’ll leave it to you to decide.

Zearch Cocktail

Alcohol Volume: 5%

Taste: As the name might suggest, this one is for when you are “Zearch”-ing for the perfect RTD. A blend of Sprite-like flavor with a twist of lime, it might sound appealing at first, however, on the aftertaste it will start to sound more like a chemical’s acronym. Whatever you were “Zearch”-ing for, it ain’t here.

Price: B45

Nite Eden Apple

Alcohol Volume: 5%

Taste: You can be blindfolded and still know what this drink’s flavor is. Extremely artificial in the flavor department, it makes you wonder how many apples it takes to get drunk. Unfortunately for those who are serious about drinking, there is not a trace of alcohol flavor left as it is killed off by the hyperactive apple flavor. If artificial is your thing, this is for you.

Price: B43

Cruiser Berry Boysenberry

Alcohol Volume: 5%

Taste: A pure lady’s drink, Cruiser is sweet to the core with no trace of any alcohol in the drink whatsoever, other than the strange tangy feeling you get in your mouth. You are guaranteed to think of it more as a fruit juice than an RTD. Our verdict—let those girls have what they want.

Price: B55

Vodka Mudshake Cappuccino

Alcohol Volume: 4%

Taste: Need a little extra elegance while you are walking around a club and just can’t settle for a regular fruit flavored drink? Then this is your thing, and as the price clearly shows, it might help to elevate your status. Mostly just eye-catching and nothing else, the Mudshake succeeds in tasting exactly like coffee.

Price: B75

Spy Screwdriver

Alcohol Volume: 5%

Taste: A screwdriver is simply vodka and orange juice—no funny business. Spy got the orange juice part right, but not so much the alcohol, as this libation tastes more like a soft drink. Nice as a refreshing starter, but probably too subtle to last you the whole night at the club, even for lightweights.

Price: B35

Spy Kamikaze

Alcohol Volume: 5%

Taste: This secret agent is not what one would expect when ordering a kamikaze. It’s sweet but lacks the true feel of the cocktail that inspired it. For the most part, its taste is a minor letdown, which may be due to the fact that they were trying too hard (or not hard enough) to get the flavor right. Being too synthetic, Spy lost all the spirit a true kamikaze can offer.

Price: B35


Bacardi Breezer Raspberry

Alcohol Volume: 5.6%

Taste: In the world of RTDs, Bacardi Breezer has always been at the forefront of things, delivering a rainbow of flavors. This is a new one that comes with a Cherry-Aid cough syrup taste that you would only want to drink on one occasion—when you are sick.

Price: B49 


Smirnoff Black Ice - WInner

Alcohol Volume: 7%

Taste: Probably the best bet among the available selection of RTDs, Black Ice is nice and simple with no unwanted extras. It delivers a distinctive taste of lime with enough kick to actually let you know that you are consuming alcohol—and, unlike just about everything else on the market, it’s not too sweet. Black Ice is somewhat a letdown, however, if the strong medicine-like elixir is not served extra cold, as suggested on the label.

Price: B55



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