His music videos went viral and gained the attention of luminaries like Katy Perry and Madonna’s manager. Now the brains behind popular party organizers Trasher, Tichakorn “Jojo” Phukhaotong, 27, speaks to BK about his love of pop music and his support for same-sex marriage—and explains why some Thais need to lighten up.

I used to have an imaginary friend as an only child growing up in Surat Thani. This shaped me into a creative storyteller.

I always dreamed of being a director. I even wrote my own speech for the Oscars—just in case.

I felt so free when I first moved to Bangkok. I lied to my parents and spent lots of time exploring and making friends, instead of going to university.

Many Thai people give nightlife a bad rep. Some think it’s all about alcohol, drugs and sex, which just isn’t true. We just love to get dressed up and have fun while enjoying the music.

Everything I’ve achieved I owe to partying. It gave me connections. I got my first job at Channel V and my current one at Bang Channel from people I got to know from my parties.

There are both good and bad people out there, you’ve just got to know how to go about things.

Dudesweet opened my mind. I never knew that there was a party culture where you could play any song you love and do whatever you want. It really inspired me.

So many parties just play supposedly cool music for cool people. Many partygoers don’t even enjoy the music. They just want to be seen as cool.

Why can’t we drop all the pretense and just have fun dancing to all the pop songs we grew up with, stuff like the Backstreet Boys, Britney Spears, Madonna and ‘N Sync?

My friends and I finally held our first pop party five years ago, under the theme “Bring back the 90s,” which was attended by about 50 people. The next time there were more than 200.

The past is always beautiful. People like to complain about pop songs now, but when they get older, these songs will hold good memories for them.

We never thought we’d come this far. We’re just a group of people who like throwing fun parties and people seem to love it.

I love comedy. I used to be a comedian on Master Keys (a hit TV game show), which I enjoyed at first. But I quit because of the tired slapstick routines which were just too obvious.

Thais don’t like sarcasm. We love compromise, which sometimes prevents us from moving forward. People shoud learn to take a joke and grow from the experience.

People really overreacted to Lady Gaga’s recent tweet about buying fake Rolexes. It’s time to accept the truth. Why are the only images we want to put out things like traditional Thai headdress, smiles, floating markets and elephants? Many foreigners still think we ride elephants to school!

New technology is the cause of so much drama. Express your thoughts, but please realize that not everyone is going to agree or like what you do.

I’m openly gay. I’ve never really talked to my parents about this, but they probably have some idea from my character.

Single gay guys are really no different from single women. We can lead independent lives and still take care of our family.

My dad is the best person in my life. He’s a teacher so he’s never had much money. But he even went out to be a construction worker to earn extra money to send me to school.

I want to be a dad someday. But, I think I need to find a husband first.

Neil Patrick Harris is my idol. He’s made everyone accept both his performances and his lifestyle choices. It’s wonderful that he’s started a family with his partner.

I want the law to recognize same-sex marriages. Right now if a gay couple live together and one of them dies, the partner gets nothing.

Gays have so much spending power. Thailand has lots of gays, really, so why don’t we think of that as a plus for our economy?

Having good friends can shape your life. Parents come first, but friends are the ones you really go through life with.

Everyone should be ambitious. Buddhists might think it’s a bad thing, but it’s important to have some drive in your life.

I directed Trasher’s videos for fun, but we got lots of recognition, even from Katy Perry and Madonna’s manager. That’s awesome

I used to daydream a lot. I wouldn’t take risks. But you’re not going to be handed everything. You’ve got to grab any chance you get.


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