Despite his moniker Lazy Rich, Richard Billis proves he is anything but, with chart toppers, underground hits and collaborations with Lady Gaga, Zedd, Morgan Page amongst others. He takes a breather with Mandy Lynn.

I’m a loud and happy… drunk.

If I were an animal, I’d be a… very lazy cat.

Quantum physics… blow my mind.

My favorite comedies… are British.

I hate it when… people put the wrong things in the recycling bins.

The biggest challenge in spinning a mix is… dealing with bad monitor speakers.

I would kill for… a beer right now.

I bite… my nails. It’s a bad habit.

I hate… making the bed.

Music is… great, except when you’re trying to sleep.

When I was young, I wanted to… be an architect.

If I had a million dollars… I wouldn’t stop making music.

I zone out…
the minute the TV is on.

Catchy melodies… inspire me.

Lazy Rich spins August 16 at Mink, $28 includes one drink.


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