The Three Stooges
Directed by Bobby and Peter Farrelly; starring Sean Hayes, Will Sasso, Chris Diamantopoulos and Jennifer Hudson
“Seeing a movie in which three other actors play the Stooges is akin to watching an Elvis impersonator. Sure, it looks like a duck and it quacks like a duck, but it most certainly is not a duck.” Mike McGranaghan, Aisle Seat
“I hope this is the start of a franchise, but not of feature-length sequels. Just three-minute-long shorts that play as prologues to real comedies.” Phil Villarreal, OK! Magazine
“The movie provides its own answer as to why the original Stooges’ earlier projects were confined to two-reelers and shorts. Sometimes Moe is less.” Kimberly Gadette, Doddle
“You would think that after a quarter-century in development at four different studios, somebody would have figured out how to make a funny movie about the Three Stooges.” Lou Lumenick, New York Post
“Trust me, you’d rather be poked in the eyes, slapped or pounded on the head repeatedly than sit through this travesty.” Jim Judy, Screen It!