Directed by Olivier Megaton; starring Liam Neeson, Maggie Grace, Framke Janssen and Rade Sherbedgia

“I doubt bets will be taken on there being a 3.” Alison Jones, Birmingham Post

“Taken 2, taken to where? Taken to the cleaners? In the original movie, Bryan Mills had 96 hours to save his daughter, in the sequel it seems like they have spent 96 minutes on the script.” Brian Henry, UTV

“This film, lazy and mismanaged as it is, just feels like the only thing that’s going to get taken unjustly is your money.” James Rocchi, MSN Movies

“Pretty much the direct opposite of everything that was right about the first film.” Teddy Durgin, Screen It!

“Unnecessary, perfunctory, ramshackle: Taken 2 is all these things and less.” Chris Blohm, Little White Lies


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