Directed by John Moore; starring Bruce Willis, Jai Courtney, Sebastian Koch and Mary Elizabeth Winstead

“Starts off with the right idea but undermines itself with an almost non-existent storyline, interminable padding, indestructible good guys and genuine insults to the audience’s intelligence.” William Bibbiani, CraveOnline

“John Moore seems to take all of our hopes for this out with an exciting-then-boring car chase that feels like it takes 40 minutes to complete.” Mark Ellis, Schmoes Know

“This is the Magpie School of action filmmaking: Anytime things start to make so little sense that you might lose the audience, just throw something shiny up on screen to distract.” Ian Buckwalter, NPR

“There is no denying that this is one Hollywood property that has run out of steam. It’s not so much a good day to die hard, as it is a good day to retire this franchise.” Teddy Durgin, Screen It!

“Loud, insultingly low-concept, and irony-free... today may be the perfect day to take Die Hard out back and put a bullet in its head.” Jeff Meyers, Metro Times (Detroit, MI)

“For anyone who remembers the Die Hard adventures at their vital and exciting best, this film feels like a near-death experience.” Joe Morgenstern, Wall Street Journal

“At this stage in the franchise, the best thing to be said about the Die Hard sequels is that they come up with cool titles.” Christian Toto, Big Hollywood


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