We ask the indie-pop singer a few quick questions about her new album, her fave songs and the weirdest gift she's ever received. 

You are known for your upbeat folk tunes. How do you think your sound has evolved over the years?

I think that as I’ve gotten older, I’ve learnt more about myself and life in general. That is bound to change you as a person, and change your sound. I feel I'm more adventurous in my music.

Tell us more about your new album, Lights Out.

I actually enlisted a lot of people to help make this record, as I wanted it to feel more collaborative. My previous records have been all me me me. I wanted Lights Out to feel more like a family affair of sorts.

Which of your songs are you personally most proud of?

That's hard because the answer changes often!  Right now I am most proud of a song called "Everyone Is Gonna Love Me Now."  It just makes me feel. 

 Who are some of your favorite musicians today?

Coldplay. Vampire Weekend. Beyoncé.

 You’ve performed lots of gigs over the years. What’s your most bizarre concert experience?

Performing in a grocery store. That was very odd!  

 What about the weirdest gift you’ve ever received from a fan?

A zombie survival kit—it contained masks, a lot of candy and other odd things.

Do you see yourself staying in the music industry for many years to come?

I hope so!  It's my love. I always want to be a part of it, even if it means writing and producing more for other musicians later on in life.

What advice would you give to an aspiring musician?

Do what you do because you cannot NOT do it.  Don't do it for fame because fame is fleeting.

Catch Ingrid Michaelson live in Singapore on September 26, 8pm, at Esplanade Concert Hall.


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