On Jan 16, the Aliwal Arts Centre will hold its third Urban Art Festival. The fest starts from 5pm till late, and is filled with cool workshops, performances by local DJs and bands as well as street art showcases.

The two workshops are the Creating Beats and Mixing workshop (2pm-4pm), and the Cut and Paste Mayhem workshop (5pm till late). The first one has DJ Koflow, who will show beginner DJs how to create beats and mix tracks, while the other teaches you how to make your own zine. The bands that will be playing are Dru Chen Trio, Take Two and What is Hip, and DJs spinning include Fauxe, .Wav(y) and Jaydah, to name a few.

The RSCLs will be doing some live graffiti, while the Asphalt Challenge has skaters pitting their skills against each other. Lastly, the Cannot be Bo(a)rded showcase has 16 artists from Singapore, Indonesia and Malaysia exhibiting their art on skateboards.

You can download the whole program for this fest here.