What are you most looking foward to while in Thailand, aside from the concert?

Well, we’ve been to Asia pretty recently, and we’re very happy to come back. Honestly, we’re looking forward to the amazing food.

If Not Now, When? , the title,  what are you urging people to do?

There nothing specific that were suggesting, but it’s a theme. It stems from a song on our record that was produced for lots of different reasons. That’s the thing about making music—you introduce an idea and then you hope people will join it.

Thai bands aspire to be you—what can you say to them?

That’s wonderful—it’s news to us. That’s what happened to us. We were fifteen and were inspired to make a band…and then we started one. It’s as simple as that-- and it’s all about starting it and getting it going.  Also, Shower, shower, and shower! You spend a lot of time in close quarters together. And honestly, that’s what I would recommend.

What was the response to your new album?

Well, it was mixed. There were people who were unhappy,and then again, there were people who said it was the most awesome thing you could have done. People are polarized, but we’re on a world tour, so there are lots of opinions.

What were you like when you were 17?

I was showering.