And here's how you can support this event.

We've previously featured the initiatives of Adrianna Tan, Cai Yinzhou and Shivaji Das. Now, HOME is organizing the first walk for migrant workers on Nov 29 at Silver Gardens at Gardens by the Bay, to raise funds for their programs and services. 

You can of course walk alongside the 500 migrant workers who will be doing the walk. Or you or your company can sponsor a walker for $200. Sponsoring five walkers is $500. If you're feeling extra generous, the gold and diamond sponsors are $1,000 and $3,000 respectively, while those who are low on cash can give whatever they wish. All donations can be made here. The money goes into sustaining the programs that HOME has set up, such as providing shelters to trafficked people, vocational skills and training as well as HIV education workshops for workers.

The walk is from 9am-12pm, with refreshments and fun activities after. 


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