Bo Kittiphon, a well-known performer among Bangkok butoh circles, returns with her eight-month-old daughter in her tummy for the piece A Fetus’ Dream. Kittiphon will be joined by four other performers to explore what we all might have been dreaming way back when we were in our mother’s womb at Crescentmoon Theatre this week (Aug 7-9 and 14-16).

What is it in butoh that attracts you?

In butoh every move uses both your mind and physical energy. It connects you to the surroundings. In every move, you come across or discover yourself from another angle. The experience also varies in each performance, each day and even each round. The body has messages for you. The movement is a process of self-exploration and self-confrontation, and to me that’s the charm of it. It also challenges you with tough poses you must overcome. Even on days when you can’t put up with it, you learn something new about your body. And I’m so happy to pass on my experiences by performing and teaching.

How did A Fetus’ Dream come about?

After three months of pregnancy and research about mothercare, I noticed a change in my body. In protection of the fetus, my pelvis has expanded and strengthened, which made me think of the fetus as representative of hope and dreams. The performance covers more than imagining what a fetus’ dreams could be. Along with the four dancers, we explore what our dreams are, presenting them along with our bodies’ messages. It’s a sharing of experience.

What will the experience be like?

It’s like looking at an abstract painting. While unclear, it still has an impact on you. It can be confusing if you try to interpret it. There’s a tendency, especially those not familiar with butoh, to be afraid that the message you receive doesn’t match the director’s. In fact, that’s likely to be the case; we all have had different life experiences and the performance is completely open to interpretation. That’s the point of it, actually. You’re not required to interpret or find answers, yet there’s no harm in doing so.

Congratulations on your baby. What’s it like performing pregnant?

It’s my first time pregnant! It’s a whole different experience having another life to take care of inside me. I have to think about her all the time. There are some moves that cause tension, stress and even fear. I had to adjust and search for new movements that will suit both happily. It’s a chance to create something new together, my baby and I. As it goes on, I become more aware of her and get to hear more of her feelings. It’s more tiring, too! I can’t roll out on the floor like I used to, but I can still lie on my side.

What’s next for you?

I’m going to take care of my baby. Take a full rest and just take care of her.


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