We don’t know what’s real anymore

It’s somewhere we all go at least once for the ‘Gram. The mind boggling Trick Eye Museum Singapore lets you be part of an optical illusion art piece, where if you are standing (or sitting or posing) at the right spot (and if your camera guy isn’t a dweeb), you will look as if you are riding the Merlion, hanging upside down from the ceiling or standing precariously at the edge of a river of molten lava in your photo.

Now, the South Korean export, which first came to Singapore in 2014, is bringing the deceptive 2D and 3D art installations to the next level by throwing the power of augmented reality (AR) technology behind it. Using their new Trickeye app, available free on iOS and Android, users can now also experience lights, sounds and other special effects when viewing the artworks with their smartphones.

With this update, the museum has also altered the flow of the attraction. Previously, visitors were herded linearly from one art piece to the next. Now, that limitation is no more. So go on, snap away till you got that Instagram shot you’ve always wanted.


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