Tor Saksit Vejsupaporn has music in his blood. He has worked with Boyd and with his new album coming out in February, which he composed, produced, and sang on, the spotlight will be on him alone.

I was about 10 when I realized that piano could really become something important in my life. I see it as a pen. I use it to write down my thoughts and share my stories.

Before you can write, you need to know basic ABCs and grammar; but when you actually write, it comes from within you. How you will use what you have learned to create something new is the most important thing.

I had no professional training when it comes to composing or producing. I only had classical piano training.

I received a scholarship to study business in ABAC. I had the opportunity to study—why should I pass it up? Music was going to be with me all my life and it’s not something I would give up easily, but the opportunity at ABAC could only happen once.

What I learned at university is very useful for me now when I make music. The marketing and business planning theories all can be applied.

My main source of inspiration has to be my dad. He’s a musician and it was he who put me on this path. We always talk about how to think like a musician and how to adapt to the environment. He guides me through life.

Boyd came to my church one day, saw me play and gave me an opportunity to work with him. I helped him produce music for commercials and TV dramas. I was able to learn a lot from him about music and it prepared me for what was to come next with B5.

As time passes, your goals expand and you are not afraid to take on more challenges. Now that I have my own album, I can further study music or work with other artists on the international level. The list of things I can do is endless.

If your fans like you the way you are, don’t change. If you like a musician, you don’t have to be the second version of them. Just be as good but in your own way.

There are a lot of people competing in this industry and if you are not true to yourself you won’t be able to make it. You cannot always fool your audience.

If you try your best, really put yourself into it, you will make it.

There’s no right or wrong, no good or bad in music. Beyond the basics, it’s all about style. Even if a person can’t sing, it doesn’t mean they are not good at something else. All musicians have their own signature.

Nothing comes easily. Stick to what you’re good at and you will succeed.

Aim at keeping your old fans—it’s always more effective to retain your existing fan base than to find a new one. If you change your style, then you’re selling out and you’re not being honest to your fans.

This new album is the first time I did everything by myself—composing, producing and of course singing. I might not be a great singer, but I want to communicate my love of music to the fans.

If I were not in the music industry, I’d probably go into management and marketing. Being a musician, you belong to the public and you are a product. If I were just doing my own business without anyone watching my every move, it would be nice.

I believe everyone is born with a purpose, but it’s up to you to realize it and make it happen. I received a gift in music and I think I have done my best. I am grateful for it.


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