The charismatic legend recalls with Hidayah Salamat those special moments in her career.

Well-loved all across the region for her dulcet voice and impeccable stage presence, Malaysian superstar Dato’ Sheila Majid is the voice behind chart-topping R&B classics such as “Legenda” and “Sinaran,” which appeal to both urban music lovers and heartland aunties alike. 

What was most trying point of your career? Oh, it was really challenging at first to get people to accept my music. People used to tell me that my music wouldn’t sell but with perseverance, I managed to maintain a reasonable fan base.

Any extraordinarily happy moments? There are so many; I can’t possibly recall all of them! But I’m so happy I have reached the 25-year mark. It’s been a real privilege to touch people’s emotions like this. All my stadium concerts have been pretty amazing. The most memorable experience I’ve had is quite possibly the year when I won Best Song of the Year at Malaysia’s Anugerah Industri Muzik for the song “Ku Mohon.” It was incredibly special to me because it was my first shot at songwriting.

You’ve released a truly impressive seven studio albums in your career. Name some of the songs that have truly stuck. All my albums are special. Everyone still listens to them. I know this for a fact because I still get requests to rerelease my albums. That is why I’ve just put out a box set of all my recordings; it’s for all my fans.

It’s been 25 years but we must say, you don’t look like you’ve aged a day. What’s your secret? Let me put it this way: I love what I do, I’m amused by my audience and I’m passionate about my music. There’s no secret to it; I’m just happy. I also exercise regularly because it’s really part of my job. I work on my endurance and stamina. That keeps me fit.

Pentas Sheila Majid—A Milestone Year 25th Anniversary Tour concert is on Dec 18, 8pm at the Esplanade Concert Hall, 1 Esplanade Dr., 6828-8377. $30-90 from Sistic.


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