Shanghai Pride 2011
Shanghai Pride got off to something of a shaky start back in 2009 but has gone from strength to strength in the intervening years. Here's what's happening in 2011.
Whether you’re queer, curious or straight down the line, join Shanghai’s out-and-proud community at this year’s ShanghaiPRIDE. The event runs from October 22nd to 29th and venues around town, and involves parties, cultural happenings, sport and community stuff. Here’s a rundown of what’s happening. Most of the details are being kept under wraps until the last minute, in case the authorities get snippy. More info will be released on in the days running up to each event.
Saturday 22nd October @ 11am - 2pm: Pink Picnic
Saturday 22nd October @ 9pm - 2am: Pride Opening Party
Sunday 23rd October @ 12pm - 4pm: Sports Day
Monday 24th - Thursday 27th @ 7pm - 11pm: Film Screening
Monday 24th - Fri 28th @ 7pm - 11pm: Art Exhibition
Wedneday 26th October @ 7pm - 12am: Mid-week Party
Thursday 27th October @ 8pm - 12am: Ladies’ Pool Competition
Saturday 29th October @ 2pm - 4pm: Comrades in Marriage Talk
Saturday 29th October @ 8pm - 12am: Halloween Pub Crawl
Saturday 29th October @ 9pm - 4am: Pride Closing Party