What do “Toxic,” “Oops I Did It Again” and “Crazy” have in common? No, not Britney Spears but Derrick Barry, the Youtube sensation featured on TV shows like America’s Got Talent and The Tonight Show with Jay Leno for his remarkable impersonation of the princesses of pop. We talk to Barry's alter egos (Spears and Lady Gaga) before his Poplicious countdown gig.

Which one of you is better-looking?
Both: We’re both equally fabulous and gorgeous!

Who’s been under the knife more often than chopped vegetables?
Lady Gaga: I’m not afraid to show it off.
Britney Spears: I believe in being natural.

What do you envy about each other?
Both: We’re both equally fabulous and gorgeous! (roll eyes at each other)

If you could take something, anything, from each other—what would it be?
LG: Justin Timberlake. Oh wait, they’ve already broken up.
BS: Gaga’s shoes.

Britney—you’ve been in the industry a really long time and even snagged some of the hottest boys. Any man-hunting advice you’d like to impart to The Lady?
BS: Try less makeup and more face, yes?

Gaga—you’re known as The Artist. Could you teach Britney how to liven up her act?
LG: More makeup and less face, yes?

If we wanted to dress both of you up for Halloween, what kind of props would we need?
Both: Just lots of attitude and body confidence, darlings.

Catch the talented Derrick Barry strut his stuff at the NYE countdown party Poplicious on Dec 31, 10pm at Clarke Quay, 3 River Valley Rd., 6337-3292. Free.


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