Information and inspiration take center stage at these creative mixer events. 

Singapore’s reputation as a hotbed for startups is spreading fast, which means capacity turnouts at the likes of Mobile Monday and Web Wednesday. Fortunately, there’s no shortage of new initiatives combining short, snappy presentations and fun, quickfire introductions; tailor-made for a generation who’ve grown up watching TED videos.

Creative Mornings Singapore
Started in New York by hot-favorite blogger Tina Roth Eisenberg, this free, monthly lecture series recently arrived here looking to catalyze the growth of the local creative community. The first event featured a 20-minute talk from art director and designer Felix Ng, filled with entertaining anecdotes about starting a creative business here—well worth the early start to the day for the brand managers, art directors and marketing professionals in attendance. Follow them on Twitter to get info on their next session.

Green Drinks Singapore
Held every last Thursday of the month, the free informal talks by this non-profit environmental group count discussions, documentary screenings and workshops as part of their program. The group is already popular around the world, with a presence in over 800 cities, and offers a launchpad for Gaia-focused ideas and products. Email Olivia or call 9688-7449 for more info.

House of Genius
Started in Denver, this informal meetup brings together 15-18 diverse audience members and three business presenters once a month. Each speaker shares a specific problem their business is facing before opening the floor for attendees’ questions and insight, with introductions happening only after the sharing session is over. For an invitation to their next event (May 16, 6.30-9.30pm) register at their website and indicate if you want to be a Contributor or a Presenter.

Kennel Nights
This free monthly storytelling session organized by co-working space Kennel is a little different from the rest. Mystery speakers (you can be one, too) turn up to tell a melancholic, motivational or even horrifying tale of their success before opening the floor for a heated discussion. Themes like personal truth and positivity are announced in advance. Log on to their Eventbrite page to find out about the next event.

Science Café
Every last Thursday of the month, this free discussion session at The Pigeonhole encourages you to meet up and talk shop with science professionals on timely topics like GM crops. It’s organized by an informal group that promotes talks on rationality and science, called, rather delightfully, Drinking Skeptically. Their next event is scheduled for May 31, 7.30pm.




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