She never attended art school, but Somjai Reiss has been painting for 30 years and is well-known for her impressionist works. Her latest project is a bilingual book called My Beloved Thailand (available at Asia Books), which features 34 watercolor paintings showing the cultural heritage and natural charm of Thailand.

Why watercolors?
I’m quite a sentimental person. I believe that water brings luck. Like if we have a picture of a canal at home, happiness will be brought to our lives as well and the sadness will be gone. And I prefer something natural to something artificial.

What makes your work different?
I’m honest with my work and myself. I can’t force anyone to buy my books. There’s an image of a mackerel seller in this book—no one would ever do this. I want people to see our real Thai way of life.

What do you get out of publishing a book?
Writing a book is like leaving a message in a bottle and letting it float out to sea. And one day there might be someone who gets it by chance. This is the beauty of making a book.

What’s your goal with this book?
My goal is to represent Thailand. Thailand’s image is about eating, drinking and sex, but as an artist, I present other facets of Thai life. There are a lot of beautiful places in Thailand. And this book will improve Thailand’s image in the eyes of foreigners.


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