People accuse BK of being paid to post stories about brands all the time. Lies! It’s much simpler (and cheaper) than that. Follow these rules to 21st century publicity and guarantee yourself a spot on any reputable lifestyle media’s social feed.

1. Make a completely meaningless move towards banning plastic bags
Maximum exposure for minimum real-world environmental impact. It’s
simple. Pick a day at random. Announce it as your “Plastic Bag Free Day” (don’t worry, you won’t actually have to stop giving out plastic bags on that day). Next, notify one staff member at one cashier counter to ask customers if they want a plastic bag. It’s optional whether staff even bother with this. In reward, we predict at least B50 million in free coverage—if not any actual environmental benefit.

2. Hire an old person
Nothing says three-minute mini-doc on The Standard quite like a
70-year-old barista, unboxing Youtube granny or
wrinkly old Ikea employee. We advise you to dress them up in some cliche hipster gear like a flat cap and French worker jacket for maximum Facebook shares.

3. Turn your Facebook logo rainbow colors
Five minutes spent in Photoshop could net you some serious feels points. Boring black and white logo: no shares. Yay-LGBTQ rainbow color logo: 300 shares, a comments section fizzing with GIFs and stickers, and inclusion in a lisitical about all the ways Bangkok businesses are celebrating Pride Month.

4. Make up an outrageous price no one’s actually paying
This one’s as old as time—or at least as old as Trader Vic’s B6,000 hamburger from 2007 (any readers still remember that?). But the tired old PR trick of pulling a ridiculous price out of a hat then selling it to the media as a “world’s most expensive” story is still coughing up blood. Just last month we met up with a fitness trainer offering Bangkok’s most expensive personal training at—wait for it—B120,000 per session. Yeah,
we wrote about him.
5. And if all else fails, dump free food at the office
There are two ways of going about this. One, simply Line message the editor one hour ahead of time, “Hey we’ve got pizza/ice cream/Mexican/sandwiches [delete as applicable] coming for you guys” before dumping a load of free food at any magazine or website’s headquarters. The unwritten rule of “You ate it, you better post it!” will be good for at least an IG story, maybe even a permanent pic post. Alternatively, turn up unannounced with 20 people from your Marcom team plus a hamper of M&S cookies—the more of you there are, the more likely it’ll be they run your press release about "10-percent discount on best available room rates for foreigners with a work permit."