Putting the fun back into eating.

Move over wine dinners and guest chefs, because themed dinners and other unique concepts are the next big thing.

Ethel Ong at Peatix, thinks so too: “As a ticketing portal, we’re seeing a rise of such events. For example, Culture Kitchen gathers people from all walks of life, all nationalities, cultures, languages and beliefs, to bond and celebrate Singapore’s diversity over a meal (visit their website for updates on their next event in June). Also, the recent Rock Out With Your Pork Out event by Artichoke presented participants with a ‘lardcore’ feast—seven dishes, each featuring pork as either a main ingredient or a tasty addition.” We also recall the Game of Thrones-themed dinner a few weeks ago, organized by Geek Crusade, who is currently working on more exciting events (Harry Potter, maybe?).

Even Singapore Tourism Board is jumping on the bandwagon: the government body is launching a mini-series of thematic dining events with My Private Chef (specialists in private and hospitality events). The first installment, which features chef Stephan Zoisl, will be held at Tanjong Pagar Railway Station.

Find out what other eating, boozing, shopping and travel winds are blowing this way in our May 9 cover story.


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