I-S hunts down the yummiest egg dishes in town.

Zillions of bunny- and egg-shaped products can only mean one thing: Easter’s back. While the appeal of crawling around our backyard in search of Easter eggs has long since passed, there’s still something about the humble egg. We pay homage to this understated ingredient and list our favorite egg dishes of the moment.

Beef Tartare at Table 66 ($18)
We’d say that the highlight of chef Vincent Teng’s version of beef tartare is the firm but still creamy semi-solid egg yolk that’s been marinated in miso and truffle, then sousvide. A light wasabi mayonnaise dressing on the side adds a nice finishing touch.
66 Tras St., 6225-6690.

Black Palm Island Salt Macaron at Jewels Artisan Chocolate ($2)
We truly adore macarons (one “O,” not two) and these gems by chocolatier Then Chui Foong are exemplary. Nestled between two perfectly light yet chewy egg white meringue shells is an almond cream filling and salted egg yolk, which, together with the sprinkle of black palm island salt on top, brings a balanced harmony of sweet and savory.
#02-31/32 Orchard Central, 181 Orchard Rd., 6509-8998.

Fried Egg White at Restaurant Ten ($5)
There’s much to be said for simplicity and skilful execution, and this is a great example. Fried egg white lounges in a crunchy potato nest, topped with crisp dried scallop strands, while just a touch of apple cider vinegar provides the subtlest hint of fruity sweetness. 7 Purvis St., 6333-9901.

‘Glass’ Sydney Crab Omelet at Salt Grill ($29)
Strips of fresh crab meat are concealed in a fluffy omelet, which sits comfortably in a sea of white miso and mustard broth. Mint, basil, chili, enoki mushrooms and sesame seeds provide a symphony of textures and round out the flavors of the dish.
55/F ION Orchard, 2 Orchard Turn, 6592-5118.

Humpty Dumpty & Vegemite Soldiers at The Plain ($5)
We all know the classic Singaporean breakfast: Kaya toast and softboiled eggs. Well, consider this the Aussie version. There is a certain satisfaction to be had from dunking Vegemite-smeared sticks of toast into deliciously runny yolks. Mmm... 
50 Craig Rd., 6225-4387.


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