Movie Review: Fun Size
Directed by Josh Schwartz; starring Victoria Justice, Thomas Mann and Chelsea Handler
“The good news about this film is that it’s only 96 minutes long. The bad news is that it is 96 minutes long.” Tony Medley, Tolucan Times
“A disappointing comedy that falls down thanks to an uneven tone, some badly misjudged jokes, a failure to connect on an emotional level and a script that largely wastes the talents of its proven comic cast.” Matthew Turner, ViewLondon
“This is a dog’s breakfast of a film, lurching from simpering teen-romcom sentiment to off-colour paedophile gags to sub-Juno hipster cultural references to a lecture on the woes of single motherhood without breaking stride.” Tom Huddleston, Time Out
“As ever, ‘fun size’ translates to ‘no fun whatsoever.’” Mike MCahill, Guardian
“As the title implies, Josh Schwartz’s first directing job is designed purely for the short-term satisfaction of simple appetites.” Elliott Noble, Sky Movies
“There’s little fun to be had in this foolish Halloween comedy that generates many more eye rolls than laughs.” Caludia Puig, USA Today
“Put it this way, the movie’s funniest character is the only one who doesn’t talk.” Phil Villarreal, OK! Magazine