Directed by Dan Bradley; starring Chris Hemsworth, Isabel Lucas and Josh Hutcherson

“Red Dawn is a ghoulish parody of reality, served up earnestly and obliviously, to an audience whose enjoyment will, perforce, be directly proportional to its ignorance.” Hugh Ryan,

“Red Dawn is like the cinematic equivalent of burping and having some barf emerge at the back of your throat. You’ll want to strap yourself into one of the vehicles with a car bomb attached to it just to get out of finishing the stupid thing.” Chris Sawin,

“John Milius’s 1984 cult classic about American teens battling a Soviet invasion has been reinvented as a Tea Party wet dream that offers a scathing (if completely illogical) indictment of the federal government.” Drew Hunt, Chicago Reader

“Was anybody out there clamoring for a remake of Red Dawn? Show of hands? Anybody?” Soren Anderson, Seattle Times

“I think I’m beginning to understand why the Chinese were not reckoned to be a prime market for this film.” Roger Ebert, Chicago Sun-Times

“Equally as stupid as the original, but it runs about 30 minutes shorter, which is nice.” Scott Weinberg, GeekNation

“I hope the ghost of Patrick Swayze forever haunts the producers for their creative cluelessness and unapologetic mangling of a once wildly entertaining war film premise.” Bruce Orndorf,

“The point of Red Dawn seems to be to give teenagers who’ve mastered Call of Duty a chance to put their slaughtering skills to use in the real world.” Chris Hewett, St. Paul  Pioneer Press


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