Directed by Mike McCoy, Scott Waugh; starring Roselyn Sanchez, Alex Veadov and Emilio Riverra

“Having real-life Navy SEALs play fictional versions of themselves results in some convincing action scenes, and dialogue more wooden than a dime store Indian.” Christopher Lloyd, Sarasota Herald-Tribune

“Fighting is a learned skill; so is acting. And the SEAL stars are plausible only when on maneuvers—performing as their own stunt doubles.” Richard Corliss, TIME Magazine

“Act of Valor plays like a highly favorable SEALs tribute placed atop a vaguely bogus storyline.” Michael Phillips, Chicago Tribune

“The filmmakers are so intent on shooting the real SEAL deal that they forget this is supposed to be a movie: We need a story.” Amy Biancolli, San Francisco Chronicle

“Simplistic Valor lacks the courage to face reality.” Charles Koplinski, Illinois Times

“Employing Navy troops as stars is a clever idea for an action thriller. But the soldiers’ awkward line readings are glaring enough to distract from the potency of the story.” Claudia Puig, USA Today


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