Owl City was a big draw at the Silverlake Music Festival this weekend. Adam Young talked to us before taking the stage.

Thailand is much different than Minnesota—growing up, what image did you have of this country before coming here?

Growing up, I always associated it with very big snakes. I always kind of thought of the jungle and snakes. 

What do you plan to do while here? Are there any goals you wish to achieve over here?

I wish I had a week here, but I’m leaving at 2 [tomorrow]. I really want to come back. 

We’ve seen a number of Thai Youtube sensations go big and enter the music scene in the past year. What’s the future of this model?

It’s evolving so much –It has over the past two years. I always ask myself: Was it just the right place at the right time? Nobody really knows what’s going to come next. At the time, no one knew it was going to go big, so who knows what it could be next. 

“Fireflies” took off and reached number one on the chart. It took you to new places, how do you feel about this one song now? 

Honestly for whatever reason, I still haven’t figured it out, but that one song hit it. It’s that power of love and music that made that song what it is, and for that reason I’m extremely grateful. I’ll never be tired of playing it. There’s something special to me about hearing different choruses song along with it that makes it timeless. 

Who would you most like to collaborate with?

I have to say it might be the Irish singer, Enya. I would really like to collaborate with her. 

You’re going on a long road trip, what do you load up your playlist with?

You know honestly, I’d listen to Blink 182, a lot of film soundtracks and a few hardcore albums to get me through those times on the drive where I want to fall asleep. 

Postal Service broke ground with this new synth-pop sound, and you took it to the next level. Where is it going?

It’s as hard as it is predicting it as it is creating it because it sort of does its own thing. I just make it and watch what happens. The dub step trend just sort of came about, even though it’s been around forever. 

What musical styles do you wish to explore next?

My guilty pleasure is hard rock….so it would honestly be that. 

What is your favorite karaoke song?

I might say…..something ironic. “I Want It That Way ” by the Backstreet Boys. I’ve done  a few shows in my day but, I honestly don’t know what I would pick. It would probably be that song.


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