Voted as the top national act in the German Club Charts, Christoph Göttsch (aka Malente) returns to Bangkok for an exclusive gig at Glow.

As a child: I was unbearable
First job: Delivering newspapers
Rule for life: No rules
Path to inner peace: I haven’t found that
Can’t leave home without: My laptop
Listening to: Good music
Reading: Books about good music or society
Stupidest trend: Any form of fundamentalism
Most annoying thing you have to encounter everyday: Cloudy, rainy and grey German weather
Hum this tune in the shower: I never do
Best gig you’ve ever been to: Wouldn’t be fair to pick one. Doing this for almost 13 years
Last lie: A minute ago
Would like to be remembered as: A dope and foremost open-minded DJ and producer
In 20 years: Same same


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