Local Movie Apps
Beat the queues, book tickets and find out what’s coming soon.
Free, iPhone and Android (coming soon)
Newcomer Popcorn! allows you to search by film or by cinema over a three day period, watch trailers, read reviews, browse what’s coming soon and book your tickets on the spot. It also lists promotions at various cinemas and they’re planning a partnership with Garrett Popcorn.
Free, iPhone and Android
Search by movie or cinema, watch trailers, check seating charts and book your tickets. It uses GPS to help you find your way to the cinema closest to you. It’s a little slow, but its loading screen says “Patience is the greatest of all virtues,” which is humorous enough to make up for it.
Free, Android
A pretty basic app. There’re no search or booking functions so you just tap posters of currently screening films to see showtimes, reviews, synopses and other info.
Free, iPhone
iCathay offers more or less the same content as the first three apps except it’s limited to Cathay cinemas. It does allow you to connect with Cathay on Facebook, but reliability with bookings is an issue.
Free, iPhone
The Golden Village equivalent of iCathay offers GV-specific content and has a “profile” function but bookings are problematic, and it’s too buggy to be worthwhile.