Directed by Lone Scherfig; starring Anne Hathaway and Jim Sturgess

“Without the interior monologues that gave the novel’s characters more substance, it feels more like a perfume commercial than a story.” Nell Minow, Beliefnet

“This tear-jerking twaddle, adapted by David Nicholls from his 2009 bestseller, is nearly as bad as Anne Hathaway’s British accent, which is heading for infamy.” Peter Travers, Rolling Stone

“It suffers from a casting error in one of the two leads and its director seems to have contemplated three or four different endings and then just thrown up her hands and decided to include all of them.” Chris Hewitt (St. Paul), St. Paul Pioneer Press

“The movie lumbers from one insufferable moment after another. But at least the title’s accurate: it seems like you’re sitting there for 24 hours.” Kimberly Gadette, Willamette Week

“In one scene, we are told a boyfriend of Anne Hathaway’s character left. At that point, I’m envious. How come he gets to leave and I have to stay?” Gary Wolcott,
Tri-City Herald


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