We uncover the secrets behind T'ang Quartet's latest mystical performance Soul Capture.

Why did you choose to do a piece on the ancient Shu Kingdom?
Leslie Tan: When the composer (Hu Xiao-Qu) and I first started talking about ideas for the commission, we talked about the last piece of his that we played and realized that style of composition suited the quartet very much. We work well with him in terms of translating into performance his ideas of ancient and lost cultures. Based on that, he pointed me in the direction of the archaeological finds in Sichuan. I was intrigued and immediately hooked on that as a source for the commission.

What is the significance of the Shu Kingdom in ancient Chinese history and how did this inspire your work?
Ang Chek Meng:
We really appreciate the mystique and spirituality of this recently discovered part of Chinese history, the Jinsha civilization that lived in the ancient Shu Kingdom. There is no written text on the artifacts so, in truth, a lot of the stories here are still a mystery to archaeologists. There is a parallel here with the work we do as musicians. We can only hope to interpret music written based on experience, tradition and a little bit of instinct.

Ng Yu-Ying: The composition is also about the cultures of other ethnic minorities becoming more obscure with passing time, not just the people of Jinsha. We use our instruments to imitate sounds and work with sound samples made by the composer. It is all a very challenging and new experience for us.

What can the audience look forward to?
I think they will be awed by the spirituality and the mysterious sound of this work. The subtle images used as well as the use of electronics help add a different dimension to the sounds we make with our own instruments. We will also be doing what we don’t usually do—playing Tibetan chime bowls and different types of hand bells, as well as reciting in ancient Chinese!

What lessons did you take away from Soul Capture?
Lionel Tan:
That it’s only our imagination that limits us.

NYY: That we can always push boundaries and try new things and continue to be inspired.

Witness the magic of Soul Capture on May 31-Jun 1, 8pm at the SOTA Concert Hall, School of the Arts, 1 Zubir Said Dr., 6338-9663. $20-60 from Sistic.


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