From colorful theater to intimate jamming sessions, April continues to give us reasons to go out—and stay out.

If you haven't checked out The Pigeonhole, Bani Haykal's upcoming gig is a good excuse to.

Paul Smith spills on his adventure with a secret admirer in this showcase featuring all the gifts he's been receiving from him (her?), including a slightly battered, fire engine-red watering can.

Catch the local adaptation of Shakespeare's Macbeth under a blanket of stars at Fort Canning Park.

See your favorite Bollywood stars in a whole new light at Rajul Mehta's first solo exhibition.

Get your Hands All Over the tickets to this Maroon 5 gig.

Switchfoot will be performing in Singapore as part of their Asia Pacific tour. Don't miss a chance this chance to catch their latest songs off the Vice Verses album live.

See celebrated British pianist perform wonders on Polish composer Witold Lutoslawki's best works.

The outlandish costumes and perky Durian Sisters make 881—The Musical a must-watch this year.

Be there for Agnès b's first ever photography exhibition, as proceeds from the exclusive autographed pictures go to underprivileged children in Hong Kong, China, Taiwan and Singapore.

Celebrate the Easter weekend with Tchaikovsky classics.


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