Beatboxing isn’t new but not everyone can make a living out of their throat the way Dharni Ng can. He tells Hidayah Salamat that he ain’t no clown.

Is this your day job?
I have never really worked in my life. If you consider beatboxing a job, then yes, it’s been my job for the past seven years. I’ve been practicing it for 10 years. As they say, it’s not called a job if you’re doing what you love.

What are the reactions you get from people when you tell them what you do?
They are amazed, and ask me to beatbox for them. I oblige and show them what beatboxing really is and tell them it’s not a clown act but manipulation of a musical instrument we all are born with—it’s called the mouth.

What does it take to become a good beatboxer?
You need to have unwavering passion and hard work. I believe in practice more than talent and it is said that if you practice for 10 years straight and effectively, you will be a master at what you do. When I started off, I didn’t have the rhythm in my head but I practiced until I got better at it. So just keep practicing with the fire burning non-stop.

Do you meet many poseurs? What do you say to them?
I didn’t say much to the ones I’ve met. I think you should never have too much pride in yourself because it may bring you down, especially when you lack knowledge.

Who are some of the nastiest beatboxers you’ve ever seen?
That would be many. Beardyman from the UK does really sick live looping acts and Eklips from France is great at beatboxing hip hop. He has an awesome raw flavor. Reeps One from the UK specializes in basslines and dubstep. Really, really sick!

How do you plan on expanding your talent?
I want to be a producer and one hell of a great one! In the near future though, I’d like to perform a one to two-hour set in a club, just doing my own songs.

Find out more about Dharni and his upcoming gigs on his Facebook fan page


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