The Singapore-born, USA-based CEO of Razer, the fast-expanding gaming peripherals company, tells I-S how to create the perfect working environment.

Every office should have food (junk, preferably), alcohol in copious amounts, music, games and Razer gear. Coincidentally, you’ll find all five at our offices—free lunches all day, an open bar and LAN and console game stations.

A good office should also nurture culture, friendship, competition, creativity and accomplishment. I won’t bother going into specifics. If you don’t get it, you never will.

The kind of games people play don’t say much about their character and personality. Unless you play Farmville. That means you have a Freudian complex for cows and tractors. Really.

Twenty years from now, gaming will become so real that it’ll be virtually indistinguishable from real life—and it will totally kick ass. You’ll not just kick back on the couch and play Halo; you’ll actually charge through alien spacecraft, drive Warthogs, smell napalm in the air and feel plasma cannons sizzle. We’re not going to be in Kansas anymore.

Razer will be everywhere. We will be the world’s biggest brand. We will be a religion.

You don’t develop a passion for gaming and technology— you’re born into it; it’s primal; it’s innate. I didn’t develop a passion for gaming or technology—I was born into it.

I’m a fun advocate. Life’s short; it’s too short for stuff like “synergistic collaborations,” “buy-ins,” “value-creation” and all that kind of corporate bulls**t. F**k all that.

I’ve absolutely no idea what makes a good leader. I’m trying to figure it out every single day at Razer.

I don’t believe in wasting time—not mine nor the people who work at Razer. We want to make a difference to the world, make a mark in history, a ripple in the universe or die trying.

Life is a lot simpler when you don’t have a lot of wardrobe choices.

I like to win. And I like to win at work and at play. Come to think of it, I can’t remember the last time I lost at anything.

I don’t get stressed.

One of my biggest pet peeves is people who go through life like zombies, take jobs they aren’t passionate about and do a half-arsed job. Sometimes, I feel like taking a baseball bat to people who don’t give a damn about their work. Life is short and you should spend it being phenomenal in everything you set out to do.

I don’t maintain work-life balance. If you want to achieve greatness, it requires all your attention and a single-minded pursuit of success. My life pretty much revolves around work but I enjoy it so I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Applying for a job with us? Know who we are, what we stand for and what we want to achieve. Be yourself. You don’t need to seek to impress us because if you’re any good, you will. And if you’re not, we’ll find out sooner or later.

Perfection can be achieved. It’s just a little more difficult and that extra bit of work usually turns people off.


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