Have a drink with the city's nightlife tribes. 

See also: The ultimate guide to Bangkok's after-hours drinking scene

Ce La Vi

The Going-out-Shirt Guy 

He works for Expedius or Adventurista or some other hotel booking operator with a totally cool office environment and regional presence in, like, six cities across the region—which is about as exciting as conversation gets with this perfectly groomed, bootcut bro. 
Where to find him: Revolucion, Ce la Vi
Knack Market

The Thammasat Hipster

Don’t ask her what music’s currently in the charts. She prefers bands like The Vegan Sound Of Yesterday, preferably watched live at an art space you’ve never heard of out on Ramkamhaeng, twinned with a Wisut Ponnimit exhibition.
Where to find her: Soy Sauce Factory, CityCity Gallery, Phra Athit

The Journalism Bro

Red-faced, disheveled, and always ready to talk very loudly about which big-shot international titles he contributes to, this guy can be found drunk at around 6pm, and passed out by 3am. He loves to lecture you on the deforestation of Central America—though not before nipping to the bathroom for a cheeky line. 
Where to find him: Smalls, WTF, Adhere, Wong’s after 3am
Credit: instagram.com/jumpeeeee

The Faux-Ghetto Millennial 

She was raised on the streets of Phrom Phong but her style cues come straight from ASAP album covers. That and UK fashion mags you’ve never heard of. In fact, she’s in the process of launching her own ‘zine, featuring loads of ultra-high-flash photos of her friends getting wasted. 
Where to find her: Beam’s Dalmatian room, Blaq Lyte, Future Factory
Backstage Bar

The Cocktail Mafia

Thanks to this crew of well-groomed, waistcoat toting drink creatives, we can all enjoy creations like vodka sous-vide with butter, syphoned through a partially smoked Cuban cigar and garnished with soil taken from the base of a Japanese yuzu tree—yours for double what you just paid for dinner. 
Where to find them: Backstage Bar, Q&A


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