Fun fact: the historical station used to house a hotel on its upper floors.

As we all know, Tanjong Pagar Railway Station (TPRS) will undergo a massive overhaul to become the new Cantonment MRT station, part of the Circle Line. With only two national holidays left before it closes its doors on Dec 25, you don’t have much time left to experience this monumental space, so head down if you don't have anything to do this Deepavali (Oct 29) and be transported back in time as the Singapore Land Authority (SLA) gives you a glimpse of what it was like during its heyday.
There will be a specially curated exhibition capturing TPRS when it was up and running, alongside interesting facts like how it used to have a hotel on its upper floors. Heritage blogger Jerome Lim will also be sharing his thoughts and pictures on the station from his blog. There will also be a photography workshop to hone your photo-taking skills, but don’t forget to check out the Artisan Market and Farmers' Market. The former will be selling food and drinks (on food trucks, no less!), as well as handmade accessories, while the latter will be selling artisanal and organic food products.
For more info click here.


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