Missed Soulscape? No sweat.

First, Urbanscape took to the roof of Lepark in July. And just last week, Soulscape got everyone down to Tanjong Beach. But if you've missed those, there's still Bliss-Out 2015 happening on Dec 12 at The Meadow, Gardens by the Bay. This yoga and music festival has, of course, yoga sessions by Singaporean yogis Lynn Yeo. Sumei Shum and L.A based instructor Sianna Sherman, all set to tunes by DJ Amanda Ling, who also performed at Soulscape.
Sun salutations aside, what's getting us really excited is a showcase by indie electronic band, The Naked and Famous who will be performing hits from their latest album, In Rolling Waves. The music line-up also includes local singer-songwriter Inch Chua, who has performed at the SXSW Music Festival in 2010.
Prices start at $80 for concert-only tickets to $110, which allows access to both yoga sessions and the concert. Early bird tickets are on sale from now to Sep 28. For more information and to purchase passes, check out their website.
In the meantime, we are rocking out to "Young Blood" by The Naked and Famous.


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